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Fern looks over to Snidely, quickly answering him with a, “True.” she turns back to Leo, smiling at the drawing. “Aw, thank you so much. It’s really good.” she picks up the drawing, turning to Snidely again. “I’ve dealt with kids like this before.” again, she looks back to Leo. “Try drawing Snidely while we order!” she picks up a menu and begins looking through it.
Fern looks over to Snidely the same way. She leans in and whispers. “He wasn’t like this yesterday, not at all. I’m kinda scared right now.” she turns her head back to Leo, nodding. “Alright, Leo.” she fake smiles. “I agree, crayons are not the best coloring tool.”
Name: Akio Ken
Role: Unfortunately a permanent patient at the hospital. Akio has been diagnosed with multiple illnesses/disorders, most raging to the extreme. He has Histrionic Personality Disorder, insanity, psychopathy, and Schizophrenia. All of which greatly affects him.
Appearance: The male has long, straight black hair which reaches down to his thighs. He’s around 6 feet tall, he’s very fit for his current state, but he doesn’t have anything too over the top. If you look closely, he had silver strands of hair intertwined with his black hair, they’re natural. But they were they ever since he grew hair. His eyes are an extremely bright blue, they look almost outlined with black. Although, if you look closely, outlined around his pupil is a hazel color. His skin color is pale, it has lost its color throughout the years, it is something unexplainable. It’s at least not so pale it’s white, there’s still some color in it. His facial features are sharp, his eyes seem to have a natural wing to them. His nose is steep, but not totally pointed at the end. No matter what he does, he looks like he’s smiling some sort of way.
Personality: Is fairly nice. Although, he has outbreaks out violence once in awhile. He’s a beggar and complains often. Akio’s personality has changed due to his disorders/illnesses. Such as with his Histrionic Personality Disorder. This disorder makes him shift emotions regularly, he becomes sensitive. He also doesn’t finish things, his tolerance is low and he gets frustrated with things easily. Akio almost always acts before thinking. He becomes worried and depressed when he isn’t the center of attention. He’s highly dramatic, and talks loudly, same with his actions. He doesn’t care for others often, only his doctors he sees almost every day. But, let’s put it this way, if he were to see one of the doctor’s being murdered, he wouldn’t help them at all. Akio is also very flirtatious and acts seductive around everyone he takes a liking too. With insanity, he may have long periods of time with sadness and irritability. He just seems off overall. His insanity is low, but still there. He has the regular symptoms of Schizophrenia, he will occasionally talk to the small voice inside his head. Same with psychopathy, he has the regular symptoms.
Backstory: The reason he was put in this hospital is because he had killed his entire bloodline/family in one Christmas dinner. This wasn’t something he had planned out for weeks, he was sitting there with his family and suddenly had the urge to kill. There were knives everywhere and his dad did own a gun, but it would had made too much noise. Nobody knows how he did it, but they were all killed without the neighbors hearing. He had been scared to clean the house, or move any of the bodies (not to mention there were at least 25 people). So, he stayed in the house for days, until the neighbors called the cops out of suspicion, due to the rotting smell. Akio didn’t resist arrest though, he knew he did something wrong. Instead of being put into prison or put on death row, he was put into the hospital, there to stay until the day he dies.
Fern looks at Snidely, and follows him as he walks out. “That was scary to watch.” she smiles at him slightly. “I’m proud of you for keeping your cool. You didn’t look scared or nervous or anything.” she looks around, avoiding eye-contact with Snidely. “So, what do you think he’ll say?”