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  • Jazzy

    May 3, 2016 at 6:09 am in reply to: RP

    Barnaby stumbles out of the room. He looks at Ashleigh and Leppu. “Is everyone–uhhhh–alright?” he pauses, leaning against the wall.

  • Jazzy

    May 2, 2016 at 11:27 pm in reply to: RP

    Barney rolls his eyes, gently letting go of Leppu’s collar. He takes a few steps back. “Okaaay.” he says softly, looking at the portal.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by  Jazzy.
  • Jazzy

    May 2, 2016 at 10:49 pm in reply to: RP

    “You think.” Barnaby looks at Leppu blankly, he cocks his head to the side. He doesn’t let go of his collar. “So–you’re–uh–not–uh–sure…?”

  • Jazzy

    May 2, 2016 at 8:17 pm in reply to: RP

    Barnaby quickly follows Leppu, he runs through the water fall, becoming soaked in the process. He stands on the other side, looking at everyone. Barnaby’s bangs fall over his face. He grabs Leppu by the collar, dragging him a few steps back away from the portal. “That’s not safe,” he says under his breath.

  • Jazzy

    May 2, 2016 at 1:15 am in reply to: RP

    Barnaby slowly stands up, rubbing his head. “Umm–uh–No…?” he says quietly, looking down.

  • Jazzy

    May 2, 2016 at 12:50 am in reply to: RP

    Barnaby walks out of a hallway, his eyes fixed on his own feet. He suddenly hears the noise of boots hitting the floor. He quickly looks up, still walking, he suddenly bumps into Leppu. He yelps loudly as he hits the floor. “Ah!”

  • Jazzy

    April 28, 2016 at 1:52 am in reply to: Characters

    Name: Barnaby Ross

    Age: 28 years old

    Appearance: Light-dark blonde hair, it is sort of long, when pulled back it goes down to the middle of his neck. It is mostly pulled back into a tight pony-tail. Though, when it is put up, he leaves a great amount of hair as long bangs that covers one of his eyes. Barnaby has, get ready for it, an eyebrow piercing, regular ear piercings, and snake bites, and a nose ring. He also has a small scar on his upper cheek. He doesn’t talk about that, because he doesn’t remember how he got it. Barnaby is about 5’11, he is quite fit, but not slim nor buff. He will always wear long sleeves and long pants with the same black combat boots. He also has these beautiful golden-yellow eyes and rosy cheeks.

    Personality: {Haha, this is gonna be fun, right?!} Barnaby is very different. He has Huntington’s and Mad Cow disease, those both greatly effect the brain/nervous system. So, he’s kinda crazy here and there. Barnaby is quiet, but can have bursts of anger over small things. He finds it difficult to keep organized and to focus on tasks. He lacks the tendency to get stuck on a thought, behavior, or action. He is often not aware of one’s own reactions/behavior. He is slow in finding words to say. Barnaby also finds it very hard to keep/learn new information. Barnaby can also become very depressed, which happens very often. He’s not very social and he becomes tired after talking too much or walking around a lot. Barnaby will often beg people to carry him around. Barnaby has frequent thoughts of death, dying, or suicide. Barnaby can be very bipolar sometimes and he also has mania (elevated mood, overactivity, impulsive behavior, and inflated self-esteem). Lastly, of the symptoms sprouting from both diseases, Barnaby has dementia, he doesn’t remember a thing from when he was little. But, he will sometimes mention his childhood. Like, very times of a day and what exactly he was doing. But, he will then forget. He acts very drunk, even though he is sober all the time. Don’t get me wrong, Barnaby is a very sweet, loving person, even though he is shy, just talk to him, very slowly and like how you would talk to a 4 year old. One last thing, he cries, a lot.

    Powers: Barnaby is able to dream his own future, but it will only be in a few days time in the future. He sometimes forgets what will happen to him, so he doesn’t talk about it. But he’ll say, “I knew that was going to happen.” And, most of the time, he is correct on that.

  • Jazzy

    April 27, 2016 at 5:51 am in reply to: Roleplay: The Land Of Dreams

    Jasmine looks at Zach’s wallet, “Ooh! Money! Ooh! Food! I can really go for some food right now!” she smiles. “Hey, guys, what if this place is like Sword Art Online or something like that, and we have to kill each other to get out alive! Hey, I call being Asuna!!!” she hops up and down, giggling. “Imagine of Deadpool was in here?! *drools* That would be awesomeOoh, ooh, imagine Yato! I might faint!” Jasmine puts the back of her hand on her forehand, she flutters her eyes.

  • Jazzy

    April 26, 2016 at 1:11 am in reply to: Roleplay: The Land Of Dreams

    Jasmine moves back, blushing. “Um…okay…” she makes a nervous laugh. She shakes his hand, letting go quickly. “Hi, Zach…haha, it’s nice to meet you…I guess. Sorry, I could have shocked you if I held on your hand for a long time.”

  • Jazzy

    April 26, 2016 at 12:50 am in reply to: Roleplay: The Land Of Dreams

    “No, the monster is friendly, I think it went away now.” Jasmine looks at Windy, smiling. She looks at Kate, “Hi, Kate! I don’t have paper or anything right now–At home I do…but I don’t know where my home is right now…” Jasmine lowers her eyes, she looks at Windy and then giggles. “Oh, I guess she does!”

  • Jazzy

    April 26, 2016 at 12:29 am in reply to: Roleplay: The Land Of Dreams

    The girl, Jasmine, gasps. She looks at Zach and makes a small cough, she starts to giggle, the giggle soon grows into full out laughing. “That was sweet, dude! Wow, you’re fast! Did ya guys see that?! He was like, swoosh!” Jasmine makes a movment with her hands. “Haha, I’m Jasmine! Nice to meet all of you!” she winks, saluting to everyone. She looks at Kate, smiling. “Hi! Wow, you’re so pretty too. I’m sure this guy has told every girl here that they’re beautiful.”

  • Jazzy

    April 26, 2016 at 12:10 am in reply to: Roleplay: The Land Of Dreams

    At the speed of light, a short, long legged girl jumps out of some bushes near by. Her feet awkwardly hit the sand. “Ah! Monster! Or it was just my shadow–BUT MONSTER EVRYBODY RUN!” The girl runs past Windy, she spots a small rock ahead, but doesn’t want to stop running. “Ah! ROCK! I CAN’T STOP! SOMEONE SAVE MEH! I’M GOING TO MEET MY DOOM!”

  • Jazzy

    April 14, 2016 at 11:32 pm in reply to: Characters:

    Name: Jasmine (Jazzy)

    Age: (whatever you’d like it to be, same with looks)

    Skills: Is good at hiding, likes to draw, is smart in most things, although math is not her strong point. Likes to solve problems (non-math problems though) and write things. Amazing at throwing things and getting the shot.

    Personality: Is happy, perky, and gets excited over small things. She is pretty chill, and sometimes can get mad. She likes her hide her feeling when sad, can cry easily. Snappy when feeling like it.

    Magic: Not very harmful sparks can come out of her hands and mild electricity. But, it gets her tired easily and can cause numbing in her hands for long moments. (Haha, like in my hip/thigh and back.)

  • Jazzy

    February 18, 2016 at 12:13 am in reply to: rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website

    “Mhm,” her head slowly nods as Raven points out the names. Xiuh soon lays down, her tail curls around her body. At that moment, she’s about half her actual size.

  • Jazzy

    February 17, 2016 at 4:03 pm in reply to: rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website

    Xiuh snorted. She looked at Shiv. “Because you’re not a royal, dear.” she stood up on her hind legs again and walked over to Shiv. She instantly grew in height and length. She went back down on all fours. “So respect your royals and elders.” She lifted her arm and bopped Shiv  on the snout with her claw. “Boop!” she giggled and walked right on back to where she was.

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