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Xeon-Chan came out wearing some white short shorts and a plan black strapless shirt and white knee socks. She hopped out of the window and landed right in front of Al, “Mkay, let’s start.” her tail whipped around and the tip of it was the most dangerous looking part, with it’s sharp end.
“Want me to just like….give me a sec.” she puts up a finger and goes into the rest room.
Xeno-Chan looked down at her skirt, “Yeah…why? You want me to change?”
Xeno-Chan shrugs, “Huuuuhhhh…..ummmmmm…..let’s fight!” she whipped her tail around and cracked her neck, “But one rule, fists only.”
Xeno-Chan sighs, “Uhhhhhh…..so what do you like do to for fun…that doesn’t involve fighting, but if you like to fight, bring it ONNNNNN!”
“I’m an alien. I come from a planet. I’m pink. I like anime. Ummmm….I have friends….alien friends.” Xeno-Chan shrugs, “I don’t even know…I think I told you quite a lot about me earlier…”
“Yeah…you have a interesting life..un like me..” Xeno-Chan sighs and pulls up her knee socks a bit, “So..what do you wanna do?”
“Well I won’t rip your intestines out just for that!” Xeno-Chan chuckled and put her phone away, “I get it. You’re probably not use to saying ‘alien’. It’s weird saying it my self…it’s weird for me to say ‘human’ or ‘people’ too, I’m not use to saying it. We only read about you in the history books. Only famous alien actors and actresses got to met some of you..and like moving to a different planet is like moving to a different home here on earth. Now that I think about it; we are kind of the same, but different at the same time.”
“Aliens, not people.” She corected him but smiled warmly at the pictures, “They look pretty cool! My friends are ALL the way back at home…it’s pretty far away, but I’m still in contact with them, like messaging, posting photos, all dat jazz!” Xeno-Chan giggled.
“Yep, always watch out.” she nodded. Xeno-Chan sat down on her desk chair and looked at some family photos. (Lol, if you were wondering, just a red xeno queen, with red xeno warrior and xeno-chan ^.^)
Xeno-Chan grunted and looked away, “Whatever, I wouldn’t wanna kill him anyways, he’s too nice, I need to kill something that doesn’t have feelings.” she shrugged, “And I give him a warning if I want to kill him. Plus I wouldn’t wanna ruin his little pretty face of his.” She laughed, “And if the squad was here, oh…that would be bad, making dirty jokes..” she slaps her forehead.
Xeno-Chan threw the worm-maggot away and frowned, “Hey, I saved him, if that maggot got in his stomach, then there’s no turning back…chest burster in a few hours, and he’s just dead.” Xeon-Chan crossed her arms and tapped a foot.
“Now,” Xeno-Chan giggles, “Don’t think as this of a kiss or anything…this is for your life.” she got really close to his face and her second mouth came out, “This is gonna be gross.” she put the second mouth down his throat and pulled something out, she stepped back and took the worm-maggot like thing from her second mouth, she took it and held it in her hand, “Ewwww…And sorry for putting my second mouth down your mouth….heh..”
Xeno-Chan pulls it off and falls onto the floor, she looked at the screeching face hugger in her hands, she walked over the the restroom and threw it in the toilet, squishing it in and flushing it, “Good bye!” Xeon-Chan walked over to Al and looked at his face, “Okay…you are good…wait…open your mouth please.”