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“Try to keep your mouth shut,” Xeno-Chan opened her door and sat him down on her bed, “It lays it’s eggs in your mouth.” she put one of her fingers on it’s back and pushed it in, “Relaxxx…” she slowly put her other hand between Al’s face and the hugger, “Okay, I need you to push back.”
“Nope,” she shrugs, “They latch on your face and it’s really hard to take them off, like REALLY hard. You’ll see how painful it is too.” she walked up the stairs and looked around, “Try to relax your face.”
Xeno-Chan jumps back, “Shit fuck…Facehugger..better get that off of you before it lays eggs in you.” she gets up close to Al’s face and puts her hands on the hugger, “Okay..errrr…uhhhh..I don’t want to stab you in the face…I’ll have to see how big it is. Here, I’ll take you up to my room.” she sighed and grabbed his hand, “Follow me.” she starts to walk.
Xeno-Chan smiled and steps behid Al, she raises her tail and hisses slightly, “Okay! Open it!”
Xeno-Chan shrugs, “You open it. You are the stronger one, and you can save me, sense you like to look at my ass.” she smiles at what she said and laughed a bit.
“Wow! A fight! I haven’t been in one of those in years! The last one I was in I killed the target!” she said in a very jolly way and smiled. Xeno-Chan walked up to a door, that said ‘Staff Only’. She put her hand on it, but it was locked shut. He tail slowly wrapped around the knob and with a few twists and turns, the door swung open, “Yay!” she walked inside, looking up at the ceiling, where there was a trap door, “There it is.”
“Huh…sounds like a interesting life, lots of adventures, I’m sure of it. Being able to do such power must feel amazing. I grew up with a queen and a warrior father, and a have a chestburster brother..how fun of a life!” she waved her hands in the air and walked down the hallway a bit faster.
“Just a couple 50 yards.” she smiled and tucked in her shirt a bit, “So, tell me more about yourself! I think I told you quite a bit about me.”
(Omg XD)
Xeno-Chan skipped a bit and looked behind her, “This school is pretty big.” she pulled up her knee socks a bit and ‘looked’ around, even though you couldn’t see her eyes.
“Yeah..it’s is…have to find the best way there.” she shrugged and started to walk in that direction.
“Na,” Xeno-Chan looked around and whipped her tail around, “Huh…an opening is 126.92 yards away, we walk strait, but first we must turn left and walk down the stairs, then walk 126.92 yards and then our destination!” she clapped her hands together and smiled.
Xeno-Chan put her finger up to her mouth, “I see things that nobody else sees…shhhhh…” she pointed up at the ceiling, “But we have to find a way up there.”
“Huh..maybe I know a place…” Xeno-Chan smiled, “Here, follow me!” she stopped and looked around at the walls and ceilings.
Xeno-Chan blushed when Al grabbed her hand, “Where are we going?”
“Ummm…” Xeno-Chan thinks for just a few moments, “Maybe skipping class will be fun, teach me the ways to bad! Mmmmm! I’m bad!” Xeno-Chan giggled and swayed her skirt back and forth, “Okey! Let’s go!”