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Xeno-Chan finishes setting up her room, she has posters of some hot anime guys on her wall, and some cute collectors items on her desk. Her bed his bright blue and has a bunch of cute stuffed animals on there. “Yay! I’m done! Let’s travel!” she jumps and walks out of her room, locking the door and looking at her phone, “Huh! Nooo…come on Taylor, you can do better.” she smiles and whips her tail around and starts to walk, “Gosh, wish I was as pretty as Taylor Swift, she’s so pretty.”
Xeon-Chan walks through the front doors of the school. She wags her tail around, feeling out of place already, “Ummm…seems legit..” she fiddles with her dorm room key in her hand, “Okay…83.” she shrugs, “Should be up stairs.” many people stare at her and start to giggled a bit. Xeno-Chan walks up the stairs, carrying her two suit cases with her. She reaches her room and unlocks the door, “Huh…nice room…pretty big.” she plays with her galaxy skirt and half smiles.
Name: Xeno-Chan
Age: 16
Height: 6’5
Appearance: A bright pink xenomorph that wears a bunch cute anime girl school outfits, her favorite one which is a galaxy patterned. She wears a bowtie at the end of her tail everyday and high knee socks. She had no visible eyes, but trust me, she can see better then a regular human.
Powers: Acid blood, sticky hands (can stick to walls and stuff), second mouth, armor everywhere, sharp end at tail, sharp teeth, mind control (hallucinations).
Bio: She was born as a friendly pink face hugger, and then her mother and father found a very bright funny young female girl for her to spawn in, she face hugged the girl and in about 20 hours she popped out of the chest as a pink friendly snake worm thing. Over here sixteen years life, she has grown to be this lovely Xeno! Only her appearance has made her not so popular, but once you get to know her, Xeno-Chan is like any other teenager!
“Why are you here? What are you doing here? This is no place for you, this is where the dragons live.” Somma bared her teeth and growled deeply.
Somma growls deeply and shakes her head, “Yes sir?”
Goldmyth finsihed talking and got off the phone, looking at Raven and cocking her head to the side, “Hi there beasty.” she put out her hand on touched his snout.
Raven stepped back and snarled, “Y-You should be scared of me.”
Goldmyth shrugged, “You aren’t scary for me. Sorry.” she started to walk away.
“F-Fine! I’ll show you scary when I see you again! You’ll be so scared that you’ll never talk to me again!” Raven whipped his tail around and sat down, “Stupid, stupid girl.”
“Oh sorry sir, did I offend you. Oh I’m sorry, I don’t mean any harm to your princess.” Raven grinned and a deep hissing sound came from the back of his throat, “I have better things to do then mess with students. Plus, smoke from fire is it Sir?” Raven laughed quietly and filled his mouth a sticky neon green goo, “I have acid.” he swallowed it and whipped his tail around, “Good day sir.” he started to pick out some food from the table.
Raven flew out of no where into the room and landed with a loud thud on the floor, “Humph.” he growled and licked his feathery claws. He folded up his wings, giving the other dragon a dirty look. He sharpened his claws on the floor and whipped his tail around.
Goldmytn rocks on her heals and looks around the place kicked around broken peices from her plate, “Hello? Hi! HELLO BABY!” he jumps up a little bit and grins, “Yes sir! Yeppers. Uh…no..ew…..YAY!! Me too Mason, me too. Orsin, yeah. A bear, a golden bear. Yep. Yeppers. Really?! Oh just lonley. Yes I have made friends. Piper, Liv, and Alex..sort of…not really though…But Piper and Liv, yes. Yep we share a room. Uh huh. Oh yeah…is that so? Oooooohhhhh, Josh likes a boyyyyy, oooooooohhhh, what’s his name? Oh sexy name though. Cute. Send me a picture….please….yes…yes…yes..” Goldmyth talked on and on.
Goldmyth stood up, “Okay, everything is fine now….We don’t need Ms.Vine, I think she is busy with some problems bigger than this.” she shrugged and smiled, well sort of smiled, “I’ll just call him now and then everything is going to be fine.” she took out her phone and dialed a number, she put her phone up to her ear and smiled.
Goldmyth shrugged, “Can I just sit here for a second, gather my thoughts for a minute. Calm down, I was just over reacting.” she took a deep breath and sat down.
“I don’t know…he would come along or something…I just want to see my brother..m-maybe he can come here…I don’t know.” Goldmyth shrugged and dudted off her knees.
“I wanna see my brother.” Goldmyth stood up and looked at the mess on the floor, “Yeah.” She took of her earphones and stuffed them in her back pocket.
Goldmyth looked at Liv and tried to smile, “I just wanna go home. I want my brother.”
Goldmyth stands up with her plate, “I—AHHHH!” she slammed her plate onto the floor, making it break. Her friut flew all over the place, and pancakes fell on the clean the floor. She fell to her knees and started to cry, “I—I—I wanna go home. I miss Orsin. I…I…I just wanna go home.”