Forum Replies Created
((Okay, I wanna make something happen, this is making me so pumped up! Mhmm!))
Goldmyth and Orsin had walked off, they knew that too many people around would make them feel weird, or pressured. “Now I feel bad for leaving..” Goldmyth shrugged and started to walk up the stairs.
“It was for the best Goldmyth…I’m going to use the restroom..” He laughed, “I’ll be back.” He said in a bad Terminator voice. He walked inside the restroom.
Goldmyth leaned against the wall and laughed quietly, she waited five minutes, nothing. “Orsin, you alright in there?” No answer. Goldmyth quietly knocked on the door, “Okay, stop playing games Orsin, come on out!” Nothing. Not even a sound. Goldmyth looked at the door nob and started to slowly open it, “K…Orsin…I’m coming in….” the door opened all the way, Goldmyth walked inside and looked around, there wasn’t a bear…or anything…she looked inside one of the stalls, nothing, the second one, nothing. But the third one, she opened and closed her eyes, she could hear heavy breathing. Goldmyth opened her eyes and there, she saw Orsin. Sitting, facing the wall. “Orsin?” She touched his back. Orsin’s head whipped around. And what Goldmyth saw, scared her. His eyes bloodshot, his mouth foaming, his big teeth showing. All she could do was…RUN! Goldmyth quickly turned around and started to run. Orsin slowly got up and went on all fours, (he can run 35 miles per hour and humans 28miles per hour) and he chased after her. Goldmyth slid down the stairs and just ran for her life yelling, “HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME! HELP! HELP!”
Orsin’s head went away, after a loud yelp, Goldmyth was there in tears taking away the floor/celling, one by one,”Helping you out, helping you out!” It got bigger and bigger.
Orsin looked at her and make a grossed out face, “No figure.” he giggled at his own joke, “Sorry.” he coughed, “You may continue.”
Orsin spoke up, “Well, in my opinion, why don’t you GO FIND IT YOUR FUCKING SELF LAZY ASS!” Orsin growled loudly, “That’s all. You’ll find it better.”
Orsin put his ears back, “Yep, someone is down there!” He started to bang on the floor, making it crack and crumble even more, soon it opened and Orsin was able to put his head through the hole he made, he looked at everyone, the demon chick, and everyone else.
Soon, the rocks started to crumble and shake, with all their might, they collided together and make the celling crack and break.
Goldmyth smiled, “This will help, I want to see inside!”
Orsin lifted up her hands and frowned, “No. You are going to break the school.”
The rocks stopped and fell back to the ground, they went under the ground and all was left was the puddle of water, that Orsin had made. But, left behind was some gold bright and beautiful, with a little blue gem in the middle of it.
They moved again, making a loud noise. One suddenly blasted through the roof and onto the floor where Orsin and Goldmyth were, every single rock did the same. Orsin walked over to the last rock and blasted water through it, making it go onto the floor, to show a sign.
Goldmyth stopped the rocks, “Nothing Orsin, just boxes and that’s it…should I go farther?”
Orsin turned around and shook his head, “Yes, but slowly.”
The rocks moved about an inch, and then another inch.
“Goldmyth, make some rocks do something!” Orsin screamed and looked around the place for an opening.
Goldmyth looked at the floor, then the bracelet, “Sorry Ms. Vine.” She took it off and made some sharp rocks go all along the basement floor, but leaving the stuff that was in it’s way untouched, but, they stabbed anything that felt evil. They came out sorta fast, and cold be pretty much seen from the portals view, coming their way.
Orsin stopped and sniffed the air, “I smell something burning….it’s from down there again…oh…shoot.” Orsin fell to the ground and started to sniff, “Goldmyth…there’s like a fire down in the crib.”
Goldmyth gasped and frowned, “Where’s the entrance? You have water powers, you can save the school!”
Goldmyth sighed, “We shouldn’t be there…so…what ever is there…let’s just let it be and stay safe..”
Orsin sighed, “It’s better to stay that way, good. Now let’s just do something…continute our singing!”
Goldmyth smiled, “You did a good job, watching those little screens,”
They both sang at once, “It warms our servos and our circuits to hear some fresh screams, but don’t get us wrong, you were very brave, when faced with friendly singing animals, you never caved!’
Goldmyth snarled, “UGH! Whatever….should we go down there?”
Orsin sighed, “I don’t know! Maybe….”
(omg, Should they save you??? Or should they just watch anime and sing?)
“Z formation, hip–” Goldmyth stopped in her tracks, “Did you hear that, it came from underground…”
Orsin stopped and put his small ears back, “Yes…I did…is there a basement or something down there?”
Goldmyth backed away, “I think so….Should we go to Ms.Vine?”
Orsin grabbed her, “Yep, yep, yep!” He started to run to the office, and soon getting there, he started loudly knocking on the door and roaring like crazy.
Raven starts to fly and does a loud dragon call, “Let’s see who this new fellow is!” Raven flys down the stairs and does it again, “Come out, come out wherever you are!”
Raven grunted and looked around his empty room, “What is that I smell? Another dragon here, at this school. He must be smaller than I, for he must fight if he shall be king here….” Raven’s tail curled around himself, “But there is no chance, therefore, I’m the dominate dragon here. And if he does want to fight, I will win anyways.” His feathers on his back stood up, as he walked out of the door.