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“Yes! I know right!” Goldmyth moved out of the way from the coffee.
“Let me clean that up for you.” It was Orsin, he said it in a slow and tired voice, some water came out of his paw, he put his paw over the spilled coffee and lifted it back up, and it was all gone, he started to lick his paw.
“ORSIN!” Goldmyth hugged him and took a hold of his amazing necklace, “Wow, a dragon eye and claw! That’s so cool!”
Orsin laughed quietly, “Mhm. Yes indeed, the eye is fake though, but the claw is real. Oh, and good morning Piper.” Orsin yawned and stood up on his two legs, he yawned a large yawn and showed all of his sharp teeth.
“Hi Piper, I was bonding with Orsin last night, didn’t you hear? I’m the first person to bond this school year! YAY!” Goldmyth smiled she messed this one of her many necklaces that were on, “You look different, what’s new with you?”
Goldmyth got up and quickly put on her clothes, she ran out the door and down the stairs to the breakfast room, she waved at Piper and Liv, “Hey Guys!”
Orsin slowly walked out of his bed, he picked up a dragon necklace and put it on, he slowly walked down the stairs and grumbled.
Goldmyth was soon in her bed sleeping happily.
Orsin was in his quiet room, still wearring his flower crown.
Goldmyth smiled brightly, “Bye Orsin, I’ll see you—”
Orsin hugged her, “You can ride me to your room, it’s okay, I’m always up at this time.” Orsin let go and went on all fours, Goldmyth smiled and hopped on top, they rode off into the distance…
Orsin clapped his paws and Goldmyth smiled, “YAYAYAYAY!” Goldmyth hopped around and giggled.
Orsin smiled and tipped his hat, “Yes, thank you Ms. Vine, shall we leave you?”
Goldmyth smiled, “I have something for you, Orsin!” Goldmyth was clearly hiding something behind her back.
Orsin winked, “And what is that you are wanting to give me?”
Goldmyth hopped and took the thing from her back, “A flower crown!” She took of Orsin’s hat and put it on his head.
It was hard to tell, but he was blushing slighty, “Thank you Goldmyth.” he put his top hat on her head and smiled brightly.
Orsin quickly smiled and slowly stepped inside the circle.
Goldmyth smiled, “Wanna gold hands or something?”
Orsin smiled and held her hands tightly, he nodded and smiled.
Goldmyth smiled and soon a blast of flowers and bright colors was the only thing she could see, lions, tigers and bears, oh my! She saw a whole bunch of fluffy animals and they were all gold colored. The trees, the world, the grass. And then it started to rain top hats and bow ties! They soon saw a sad dead forest, but then, like water, gold and other bright colors filled it up, a deer was covered in the bright colors. Orsin saw the same (now kids, don’t take drugs, ’cause this is what you might see).
Goldmyth opened her eyes, and Orsin opened his. “Oh. My. God. That was awesome!” Goldmyth jumped up and hugged Orsin tightly.
“Heh..kinda looked like if you were on drugs.” Orsin laughed and hugged back, he picked up his bow tie and hat, he put them on and winked, “I’m sooo happy now!”
It was a man, with a gun. A hunting gun. Orsin went full on bear mode. He stood up and made some small roars, he didn’t talk at all. His hat and bowtie fell off. Goldmyth sighed, “Orsin, it’s fake, it won’t hurt you, the thing is just nothing, it’s messing with your mind, the thing is just a test, nothing is going to hurt you!” Goldmyth yelled and pulled her hair back. The man loaded his gun, Orsin freaked out and snarled. “ORSIN! IT’S JUST A TRICK!” The man pulled his gun down and looked at it, he turned around and pointed it at Orsin. Orsin growled and roared loudly. “Orsin, listen to me, if you want to bond, you have to stay calm, just stay calm.” Goldmyth had her worried face on. Orsin took a deep breath. “It’s just a trick, nothing will hurt you.” The man started to fade away, still pointing his gun at Orsin. “The person, or thing will go away, you are the best bear and the strongest bear, if he ever came near you…Mr. Orsin the golden bear will kill that guy with a swipe of your paw.” Goldmyth smiled. The man started to fade away, and soon, he was nothing but air.
Goldmyth clapped her hands and smiled, “Yes Ms. Vine!” She stepped the middle. Orsin stood up on two legs and looked around, “Oh…I’m gonna die.”
“A warm hug, from a golden bear, a big safe hug from a fancy bear, a dance from the happy bear.” Orsin said in a clam voice, the box fades away and the fire cleared a path to the circle. (YAY!)
There it was, a box. A white box. With music. Just, a repeating, “The London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. The London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady!” Goldmyth just stood there frozen, “Don’t move, just sing along, The London bridge is falling down.” Orsin looked around, “Goldmyth, just look away and sing with me. Now I got a new gig, lemme know if ya dig, anit going home, so I better go big.” Goldmyth looked away from it, “Just gotta glance…at CAM…2B…then you get a little surprise, It’s me.” Goldmyth stuttered. Orsin looked around and sighed, “I’m gonna be a mighty king, so enemies beware, well..awe screw it…Goldmyth, close your eyes and think of my hugging you, a big.” The box fades away, “warm,” The box fades away more, “Happy”, the box keeps on fading away.
Orsin smiled, “Yes Ms.Vine.”
Goldmyth sighed, “Yes, but my worst fear is a bit silly…”
Orisn smiled and stopped, he quickly put his ears back and closed his eyes, “Well, uhh..me and Goldmyth wanted to bond..and we didn’t know what to do, so we came here.”
Goldmyth covered her ears with her hair and smiled brightly, “Yes indeed.”
Orsin smiles and tilts his had, “Time for the main attraction, the story must be told, time for a chain reaction, that never gets old, some bots get satisfaction, breaking the mold, some bots are just distractions, some bots are, Just Gold.”
Goldmyth looks up at him, “I’m not the bad guy, I’m just a bit surprising, it’s not worth losing sleep, it’s not worth analyzing, there was a time, not so long ago at all, I was just like you, can you hear my call?” Goldmyth smiled.
Orsin bend down and put his forehead on hers, ” Now I’m poppin’ in over here, over there, I’ll be checking in, but you’ll never be aware, In the beginning I kept a keen eye, on the sate of affairs with the new guy!”
Goldmyth and Orsin both sang at once, “Now I got a new gig, Lemme know if ya dig, ain’t goin’ home so I better go big, just gotta glance at Cam 2B, then you get a little surprise, IT’S ME!” They danced out side of the office, singing loudly to the song.