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Orsin and Goldmyth soon got to the front office.
Orsin knocked on the door and tightened his bowtie and fixed his hat, “Sorry, the rat was annoying me.”
Goldmyth shrugged, “I hope he is okay, you threw him pretty hard. He’s going to beat your ass one day and you’ll be sorry.” Goldmyth giggled.
“Most likely, but I won’t be hurt or anything, I’ll fall on my bum and he’ll leave me alone if I snarl at him.” Orsin shrugged.
Orsin growled, ” “Cause I threw you, not so strong now, eh? Come on Gold let’s go.” he started to walk ot the office.
Goldmyth frowned, “Sorry Liv. I have to..go..I’ll see you later.” She ran after Orsin to the office.
Orsin got back up and picked up Abilard by the scruf and threw him across the room, “Piss off!” Orsin growled.
Goldmyth held his paw, “Stop it!”
Orsin growled and looked down at Goldmyth, he sighed louldy, “Fine.”
Goldmyth had her worried face on, “Please don’t fight you two.”
Orsin grunted, “I eat bunnies for snacks. But, you are a rotten no good…” Orsin stopped and smiled, “bunny wabbit.” he said it with a ‘w’ on purpose.
Orsin put his ears back and showed his teeth, “I’m not fighting you. I only fight for good causes.” he stood up on his hind legs and roared loudly. ((if you don’t know what a bear roar sounds like, look it up on youtube.))
Orsin looked over at the bunny, “Boy, you can’t even fight, you are a bunny, if you were to hurt Piper, you would kill yourself. I knew what you were about to say.” He laughed and looked back at Piper, “Are you okay?”
Orsin turned around, “What was that?”
Goldmyth turned around and saw Piper, “Piper,” She walked up to her hand held out her hand, “Are you okay?”
Orsin walked over and snarled, “Who did this? A women has no right to be treated like this?!”
Orsin sat down and started to eat.
Goldmyth sat next to him and smiled, “Would you like to bond?”
Orsin stopped and looked over at her, “I was going to ask you to same thing! And yes I would.”
Goldmyth has a huge smile on her face, “Yay!!!! Thanks! What do we do now?”
Orsin sighed and looked around,”I don’t know, we’ll go to Miss.Vine after dinner.”
Goldmyth took a bite of her chicken, “Okay. Let’s race!”
Orsin laughed, “I’m going to win, but okay.”
Goldmyth started to eat very fast, and Orsin lifted up his plate and threw all the food in his mouth, “I win.”
Goldmyth finished and sighed, “Awe! I thought I would winnnn!”
Orsin smiled, “Well, I have a large mouth..so..it was pretty clear I would win. We should go.”
Goldmyth stood up, “Okay, let’s go.” She started to walk to the office and Orsin followed.
Orsin laughs, “She knows who I look like.”
Goldmyth shook her head, “Golden Freddy!!!” She smiled and hugs him.
Orsin laughs nevrvosly, and pats her back with his huge paw, “Yeah, Golden Freddy.”
Goldmyth let’s go and looks up at him, “You are really tall standing up.”
Orsin smiles, “Yes, I am.” He walks over to a table and gets a plate, he picks out some chicken, friut, and fish.
Goldmyth follows and gets some food too.
Goldmyth turns around and sees Orsin, she pushes her cheeks up with her hands, “Oh. My. God. You. Are. The. Cutest. Bear. Ever.”
Orsin stands up on his two legs and waves, “Hi Goldmyth!”
Orsin wakes up from the smell of food, “Oh, food? Oh..okay.”Orsin gets up and walks past a mirror, he steps back and looks at him self, “Mhm…” He smiles and goes into his bag, he takes out a black top hat and a black bowtie. He quickly puts them on and smiled, “Okay, now I look dapper.” Orsin walks out of his room and soon reaches the dining area.
Goldmyth soon got there and smiled, “YASSS FOOD!” Goldmyth looked around, “Omg, I’m going to eat it all.”
Goldmyth laughs, “Yes Piper! I want stay comfy. They won’t mind, I’m wearing sweats and a t-shirt, I think I’ll be fine.” Goldmyth opened the door and smiled, she started to walk.
“Ughhhhhhh,” Goldmyth stood up and put on her green hightops, “I’m going to find food. Anyone want to come?” Goldmyth grabbed her bag and tilted her head.
Goldmyth sighed and looked at Piper, “Piper and Liv..What will we have for dinner? Uhhh…I’m hungy.”