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Goldmyth stands up and smiles, “OH! GOT EM! DEEZ NUTS!”
Goldmyth sticks out her tongue, “I don’t care if he hurts me. Karma is gonna kick him back in the asshole. Like BAM! GOT EM!.”
Goldmyth smiles and takes a small pebble out of her pocket and throws it at the wolf, “Eh, it won’t hurt em.”
“Well, I’m going to run off some where..anyone wanna come?” Goldmyth sighed of boredom.
“Well, Mica. Uhh. I change into a black wolf and run fast. I’m sexy, and nice. Also,” Mica takes off his hat and red bandana, black wolf ears appear. He puts the bandana and hat back on, “Ears. Uhh…abs?” He lifts up his shirt and shows his abs, “Pretty much me.”
“Well, what ever.” Jazzy looked at Calypso, “You coloring is odd. I know some wolves with red, but not your red. And you are quite small for a wolf…” Jazzy stood up, “I’ll be..umm…right back.” Jazzy walked off and went into the elders den.
Goldmyth shrugs, “Oh I don’t know….throw rocks a people?”
“Well, the male will pick you. Heh, you are quite a nice looking wolf. You stand out from the others. Your red coat is the main of you. You’ll get a mate. He’ll be a good one. I’ll make sure.” Jazzy smiled, “I’m most likey to mate with…Mica.” Jazzy sighed.
“Your welcome. Will you find a mate soon? Mating season is close.” Jazzy begain to eat her rabbit.