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Goldmyth walked up to the dragon, “May I pet your feathers?”
“Eh?” Raven turned around and looked at the girl, “Oh yeah sure you can.”
“Thanks.” Goldmyth touched the feathers and smiled, “They are very soft. Thanks. I’m going to leave now.” Goldmyth ran off to the lake and throw stones
Raven smiled, “Oh. Okay.” Raven looks at the fox and walks up to her, “Ello!”
Goldmyth rolled her eyes, “Watch little runt.”
Raven raised and eyebrow at the young girl and he turned his head up to the tree, “I see you in there.”
Goldmyth jumped back, “Hey! Watch where you are going! You could have hurt me really badly!” Goldmyth growled and rolled her eyes.
Raven flew around the party place and landed on the ground increasing his size and messing with his feathers, “There’s sushi? That’s the only good thing here. Christ.” Raven took some sushi and glared at the kids.
Goldmyth ran up to the lake and looked around, “I wonder if could spawn something like a rock dog, lemme try!” Goldmyth put her hands to the ground and a dog sculpture animal came out of the ground, “Awe, it’s just a still boring grey sculpt dog.”
Somma stops looking at Aether she flies in midair and says some odd words, a large ball of blue light forms in her mouth, she looks into Aether’s eyes.
Goldmyth ran outside and smiled, “Whoop! Whoop! I’ma witch and I’m gonna eat ya cause you ate mer candy house! Whoop. I’ve got an ugly long nose and I’m green!”
Goldmyth smiles, “So, wanna go or something?”
Raven looks at the girl and smiles, “Hi. Now leave me alone.”
Raven changes into a some what large feathered black dragon, “Er…this place stinks.”
Goldmyth glances at the ragon but quickly looks away as if it was a Five Nights at Freddy’s monster.
Raven flys around looking at the three girls he rolls his eyes and flys to the ground (still small).
Goldmyth smiles, “Thank you.”
Goldmyth fixes her long golden hair, “Ello!”
Raven looked around and sighed, “What a dump. They should clean this place once in a while.”
Goldmyth got her number, “105. Okay, that’s fine.” Goldmyth walkes up to her romm and knocks on the door.
After all thw olves were there Jazzy smiled and the little pup walked up on to the rock and held up a yellow flower with his mouth. Jazzy sat down and looked at all, “Sping is coming soon my fellow wolves.” All wolves howled and barked.
Goldmyth walks into the school seeing a lot of people, “Oh what do to what do to?” Goldmyth looks around pulling her bags behind her.
Raven flys around the school looking at some of the new students, he growls, “Uh. Need to find some trouble makers.” Raven sqints his eyes at some boys.