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Jazzy walked up to Calypso and looked at her, “Tell, me what happened while I take you to a den and fix up up.” Jazzy licked Calypso on the snout.
Jazzy woke up in an instance but by the smell of blood, she was too late, “Calypso!” Jazzy yelled and spotted the hurt wolf.
“okay that’s great.” Jazzy walked back to her rock and soon fell asleep.
Jazzy tilted her head, “Well, keep on sniffing for the fires (forest fires) and warn me as soon as possible if you smell the burning wood. As you know the Southern pack faced the horrible fires, we, the Northern, don’t have any time for the fires. Jazzy faced the moon.
“Is there anything out there?” Jazzy quickly found Calypso and sat down.
Jazzy hopped down from her rock and landed in the soft white snow. “Calypso?!” Jazzy yelled but whispered at the same time.
Jazzy quietly sat on a rock edge and smiled, “I love being a leader.”
A mouse jumps out of the bush and runs away. MOUSEY!
Mixed dragon
all balck with spirals of diffrent colors big
Somma is a magical dragon and is very strong. She lives by a river and let’s humans play with her and have lunch. Somma hates to be alone and loves male dragons. She is smart and pretty. Her long tail is used as a whip and she sometimes will hurt some one with it, otherwise she’ll use magic. Somma can shapeshift and make awesome magical powers. Somma will be come friends with Aether and Pharaoh!