The Basics

Display Name

Titan (Arcareafact)



My Information


Name: Titan
Proud Member of the SugarBeast Branch of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: LajwardQarnSugarBeast
Birthdate: Nov. 11th
Race: Myumon Unicorn
Occupation Vocalist and pianist of the band Arcareafact
Piano name: Lajward Qarn
Bandmates: Orion, Arugon and Selen
Siblings: Balt and Nickel
Parents: (are safe in the old world he left behind.)
Basics: His parents were famous musicians back in old world Midi City. He chose to follow in their footsteps. He was proud to inherit their talents. He and his bandmates were rising in fame. There was still the worry of those who had disappeared from their world. Because of the constant disappearances they followed the remaining members of Plasmagica and ended up caught up in a powerful vortex that transported them all into Skyrieverse where they would eventually reunite with those whom they missed and those who had disappeared from the old world. This is where their adventures begin.

Personality: It’s hard to tell what he’s feeling due to his poker face but he has a burning and competitive spirit.

Alliance: GrandSugarClan

Admin note: Only here to rp with my friends. No messages and no chats please.
Additional note: I rp as my younger siblings, Balt and Nickel also.