The Basics

Display Name

Toshi Hijikata Saotome ‡ TenebrozusVampyruszSugarDemon



My Information






Skyrie Universe / Sugarland Empire / Shinsengumi HQ

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Full Name: Toshizo Hijikata TendoSaotome
Nicknames: ThornyToshi / Mayonnaise Lover 13 / VampyrDemon ViceCommander
My father is Ranma Shukumaru SpunkysugarDemon Saotome
My mother is Akane Suzuko FierysugarDemon Tendo-Saotome
I’m of member of the SugarDemon family of the GrandSugarClan
ClanNames: DarkSugarDemon / DarkVampyrSugarDemon
Species: Human/Demon/Vampyr
Gender: Male
Birthday: 5 May (Children’s Day in Japan) / Zodiac: Taurus
Age: unknown
Blood Type: A / Height: 175 cm (5’9) / Weight: 64 kg
My brothers are Isao (Gori), TenguTosshi, Natsuru-Kaito, Alto, Shuhei and Soji (although Soji is technically our cousin.)
My beautiful younger sister is Helena.
Son: Roy Mustang Hijikata

Favorite Foods: Pastries, sweets, and like older brother Tengu Tosshi, I have an affinity for mayo.

I am the VampyrDemon Vice Commander of The Shinsengumi’s Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan Division

Part-time sensei of True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flame
School Security at Ginpachi Class 3-Z
I am told that I am a great swordsman, very handsome, and a talented military leader.
As my family recounts, I was spoiled at an early age and said to be mean to all except my family and friends. And they also say that I used to be a trouble-maker ronin. This changed when I was a little older and witnessed a man forced to commit seppuku.
What my family didn’t know, except Yukio Ginpachi, was that I helped a friend sell medicine for treating injuries in my youth so I have some knowledge of how to treat injuries such as bruises and broken bones. I then taught Yukio Ginpachi whatever he knew of medicine. I practiced self-taught kenjutsu. I trained hard in my father Ranma’s dojo with the others. Although I never fully mastered the Saotome-Tendo-ryu it is said that I managed to develop the “Shinsengumi-Kenjutsu” fighting style from the Saotome-Tendo-ryu.
As a Vice Commander of the Shinsengumi, I was so strict that my comrades nicked-named me “The VampyrDemon of the Shinsengumi.”
Within the Shinsengumi itself, I strictly enforced the regulations. Deserters and traitors were forced to commit seppuku.
I’m loyal (especially to my SugarDemon family and the Shinsengumi), hot-tempered, but despite my seemingly cold exterior, I do have a more compassionate side. I’m also thoughtful and mature. I’m respectful towards women, which is one of the reasons for being so protective of sis Helena. Soji has a habit of always playing around and bothering me which I find rather annoying! Despite this I care greatly for Soji.
Finally, I love haiku and poetry.

“Though my body may decay on the island of Edo, My spirit guards my lord in the east.”