Forum Replies Created

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  • Arigato Trixie! ♡ *She walks over and hugs Helena when she has a chance.* Happy Birthday mommy Helena!

  • *Guri had returned from the realm of the ogres where her brother punished those that had been used by Lord Satan. She still felt betrayed by their actions even though she knew, they didn’t have much of a choice but she always thought one had to create a choice if there wasn’t one. As she returned to Hades, she met Miketsu and Leilani, they asked her to do an investigation along with them and she had agreed. They traveled together towards the borderlands as she spoke to them about her big brother and the ogres he was punishing. When they arrived at their destination she could understand why they had wanted to come here.* It certainly smells like death. *They walked inside and noticed the broken caskets and took note of everything. *She looks to Miketsu and Leilani* Zombies? *She finds a piece of old clothing and hands it to Miketsu.* @hellgirl-aienma @ginstunetama

  • *Since Guri wasn’t currently in Hades reaping souls. She became inspired to promote the cruise for Valentine’s day and use her Love Note to help couples along.* Hehehe! I have a great plan! *Snaps her fingers happily.* It will work! It will work! *She goes to the cruise area, gets some flyers and takes home an ad package she can promote online and prepares herself to sell… ” Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14th) or White Day (March 14th) with your special loved one!” MUa hahahahaha

  • Guri Gedomaru (WarpedVenusianSucreSpiritus)

    April 15, 2020 at 6:00 pm in reply to: Festival Of Friendship

    *Attends the festival. She is surprised by how many new kiosks she finds with plenty of items she’s been wanting.*

  • Guri Gedomaru (WarpedVenusianSucreSpiritus)

    September 12, 2019 at 4:44 am in reply to: How to use Skyrie (non-rp / tips)

    // Touma san, we know and we don’t care. 😉

  • Guri Gedomaru (WarpedVenusianSucreSpiritus)

    September 12, 2019 at 4:43 am in reply to: How to use Skyrie (non-rp / tips)

    // Adult groups of a sexual nature should be private. And that’s all there is to it.

  • Woo hoo! Domo arigato for the birthday wishes! Happy Birthday to all my born in the month of December….like me! 🙂

  • Domo arigato! 🙂 *She smiles and takes her favorite treats from the tray.*

    I really needed this!

  • *His look of disapproval worries her but she still follows him outside of the inn*

  • *She stands and walks around the table and over to him.* Well, since you got here you really haven’t given me attention! *She stands in front of him.* Hai! I want to be a cupid! Why are you still upset about that big brother?

  • *Guri Gedomaru had been sitting silently in the inn facing her brother and practically piercing him with her eyes in hopes that he’d give her a bit of attention. She waited for Lord Hadesu to leave and then began to wave her arms frantically.* Big brother!!!!

  • *She stood up as Momo and Tetsu-Shiro arrived. She walked over and hugged them.* I am excited that my half-brother will soon arrive. He didn’t give me details. He only said he had his reasons. I hope I’m one of those reasons. *she looks at them with hope.* The place does look great doesn’t it? I wonder if Hadesu sama and Prince Koenma will be here when he arrives or if they will wait until he is settled in? It’s a bit strange having an inn in such a place but I guess it works for us.

  • *Guri Gedomaru notices that the inn had been build exactly as she expected. She sat outside wondering if this meant that her older half-brother Oodanna would actually be the one to run Tenjin’ya Inn within Hades in the new world. It made her nervous and happy at the same time. Her half-brother wasn’t crazy about her cupid obsession and she in turn didn’t like that he had a fondness for eating people but she still looked forward to seeing him. She loves him all the same.* I wonder if and when he’s coming?

  • HAPPy MOMMy’s DAy!!!
    *she said as she walked in. She watched her friend Momo hug her mother Helena. It made her want to hug Helena as well so she took a chance and joined in. She was amazed at the warmth that enveloped her like giant wings of protection. She almost cried with joy and then she looked up.* Arigato and Happy Mother’s Day! *she smiles at the tender face looking down at her.*

  • *She leaves her luggage in the welcome area since there was laughter, cheer and a strong warmth that had caught her attention. She entered the room and was overwhelmed by the love.* WOW! Amazingsauce!! *She jumped joyfully and noticed there was a stocking with her name on it and even birthday and christmas presents for her. She almost burst out in tears but instead, she took out her notebook and wrote messages of love for all of them and hearts began to pop out everywhere.* I LOVE YOU ALL! You’re so….*She couldn’t even find the words. She ended up hugging Lady Helena and snuggled.* Oh wow! I’m in heaven!
    Happy Holidays, Happy Birthday, Happy New Year and Domo arigato! 🙂

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