Forum Replies Created

  • geophyteTygon

    December 16, 2013 at 3:03 pm in reply to: Fanart~

    These are really quite good. You did their hair really well and I am digging the linework. ^_^

  • geophyteTygon

    December 12, 2013 at 9:09 am in reply to: Fanart~

    While I currently have no fanart, I am working on a fantroll and I plan on doing some fanart after finals end next week. I may post some here ^_^ The closest thing to fanart I have at the moment is a VERY early prototype of my fantroll done with a troll maker application. (For example, the hat is ridiculous, so it had to go and the hair was changed a bit.

    My fantroll early protype
    (His symbol is hard to see here. Use the link below to see it.)

    You can see the profile I made up for him here:

    Again, that pic is old and needs to be updated, but you can see a bit of his backstory (which also needs some work).

  • geophyteTygon

    November 9, 2013 at 3:34 am in reply to: Homestuck is ending!!

    During the gigapause, I am hoping to do a bit more with my fan troll and I have a lot of work to do for my classes. I want to write up some more about his back story and redesign his appearance. As for classes, I have some programming assignments to do in the coming weeks and finals are fast approaching. 😀

    After homestuck ends, I really want to get the game. I also hope to make my own Homestuck game down the road in flash. Also, I am going to read Problem Sleuth at some point. I may read it during the gigapause or shortly after.

  • geophyteTygon

    November 9, 2013 at 3:27 am in reply to: Patron Troll, Favourite Troll, Least Favourite

    Patron: Do you mean zodiac patron or canon patron? If the former is true, Karkat. If you mean canon patron troll, Aradia.

    Favorite: I cannot pick only one. It is a three-way toss-up between Karkat, Terezi, and Nepeta if you are talking about the A2 trolls. If you mean A1, then it is a tie between Damara and Meenah. (Damara is just too funny for words.) If you mean overall, I guess Karkat and Terezi with Nepeta as close second. I really wish we got to see how Nepeta acted when Equius was not around. Judging by the way she cursed, I like to think that her whole personality was not shown. That being said, this is all non-canon.

    Least Favorite: I do not really have a least favorite, but if I had to pick one, I guess Equius. I know he feels bad for letting Nepeta down by the speech he made, but it still really pisses me off.

  • geophyteTygon

    November 2, 2013 at 2:29 am in reply to: Pokemon X & Y (Nintendo 3DS)

    Pokemon X and Y are two of the best Pokemon games to date (I have Pokemon X and I have played my friend’s Pokemon Y). I have two complaints, however. First, there really is not all that much character customization for male characters and Team Flare really did not play a big enough part. I kind of wish they would bring back the Gen III setup where the legendaries come into full focus partway through and the team you are fighting against plays a medium-sized role. Black and White kind of went overboard with the whole rival team angle, but I think that was a better setup than basically no involvement. Also, it would be cool if one could create custom clothing. They could even work it into the story where, at the end of the game, one gets an item that gives more clothing options like a frequent buyers ticket or something.

    This being said, X and Y are both amazing games. I love the true 3D effects (the ones in Black and White were cool, too, but they seemed a bit too static and out of place with the sprites) and I just love the mega evolutions. With a few more options (which I think are now possible with new technology), Pokemon can really re-invent itself while maintaining the standard setup. ^_^