Don't give up on me
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Jackson nervously waves back to Alina and then goes back to listening to his music
Jackson wakes up and comes outside where everyone else seems to be and sits on a bench off to the side
Jackson sits in a seat and puts his head on the desk and falls asleep without introducing himself.
(Sorry bout that Goji) “Am I in the right classroom or where do i go?”
Jackson walks into class and has his hood up. He is nervous since it is his first day and takes a slight look around the room and mutters to himself “Well, this should be great”
Name: Jackson Corsin
Age: 16
Affiliation: Dark and Fire
Height: 5’1
Weight: 120
Appearance: Skinny but not skin and bone skinny. Normally wears darkened clothing and is very quiet. Black hair extending to shoulders and blue eyes
Bio: Was raised by normal human family and was always questioned about how whenever he walked into a room the lights went out for a few minutes before coming back on or random fires starting on the stove while he was in the kitchen. He ran away from home and saw signs for a special school and was able to be transported to the school. He is very quiet because of being bullied in the normal human school system.
Other: Is normally very calm and has music blaring in his ears but tends to lose control of his powers sometimes because of flashbacks. Also has random emotional breakdowns. Will also have emotional breakdowns at times.
I agree to the rules
I walk into the room and see you pushing him backwards “Hey! I may not know you but what was that for?!” I look at Goji with confusion and anger
He looks up at the rules and sighs heavily “Such strict rules but I suppose I can handle them.” Leaves a few drops of blood by the sign as an agreement then walks inside
I agree to all rules
Name: James Jackson
Grade: Sophomore
Gender: Male
Appearance: Pale skin that glistens in the sunlight, black hair extending to my shoulders, thin, red eyes that are visible when pitch black, 5’2 and wears a long trench coat
Gift or Talent : Vampire so speed and unable to reach exhaustion but still sleeps, just upside down, also can sense emotions and knows how to hide his own
Back story: Was thrown out of home by adoption parents because of fear. never has know of real parents
Goal(s): To make friends who will stay with him the rest of eternity and control his lust and temptations
Good or Evil:Good but evil at times
Subject you study: Human personalities, hunting, and war techniques
Live in the school: Yes
Other: Needs attention or will go insane
Name: Corson
Appearance: Bronzed skin, black eyes, black hair extending to the shoulders, black wings that havent been used in centuries, short curled horns, normal ears, blood red nails, tail with sharp end, dragon feet. Golden chain that hangs to my midchest with a pentagon attached to it. Hanging from the pentagon is two emerald gems
Other:Is one of Lucifer’s generals, Lust