The Basics

Display Name

Ukyo Hadesu JadeSugarDemon Moroboshi



My Information






SugarLand Empire/ Hades

Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying


FullName: Ukyo Ruu Hadesu Aidoneus Epirus Moroboshi
Alias: Shinigami / Lord of the Underworld
Proud Member of the SugarDemon branch, the SugarFiend Branch and Sato no Kami Faction of the GrandSugarClan
Clan names: JadeSugarDemon / HadesUnderworldSugarFiend

son of Ataru Rei Moroboshi and Lum Moroboshi (SugarDemon)
Lover (Unwed) : Hikari Asukahime Inoue (TangerineBurstWarriorSugarFairy)
son: Zagreus Thanatos Moroboshi *RebelliousUnderworldPrinceSucreSpiritus
grandson: Diablo Tartarus Moroboshi * AbysmalTormentorSugarDragon

cousin of Gintoki Lucifer and his siblings.

Birthdate: March 3rd (Pisces)
Height: 185 cm (6’1″)
Eyes/Hair Color: Green
BloodType: O
Species: Ancient Greek Chthonic God/ Human/Oni/Alien/Shinigami
Abilities: Able to Visit Parallel Worlds / Commander of Shinigami
Occupation: Famous Photographer / Photography teacher at True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flame / Host at SugarSweet Bakery and does odd jobs with his GrandSugarClan family.
Loyal Knight of Lady Helena’s Royal Order of the SweetSugarSeraphim and Guardian of Divinity at Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose

A quiet person and takes distances from other people. Apollon’s uncle and Zeus’ older brother. Likes sweet things. Thinks of himself as unlucky and cursed. He has an aura which makes everyone difficult to approach him. Despite being cold outside actually Hades is soft on the inside. He believes that coming close to him will bring misery to people, so he keeps everyone away from him. When he takes on a human form, he’s sweet and soft spoken and slightly more social.

Special Skills: Photography /Cooking
Hobbies: Gardening, Astronomy
Favorite Food: Strawberry Daifuku
pet: Cerberus

// Note: Ukyo and Hadesu merged as one being. The rest of the story has ongoing rps. //