The Basics

Display Name

Guardsmen Slinn ( + COG )



My Information




United Kingdom


Real life:

I am a MASSIVE nerd. If it’s Sci-Fi, Military, Anime, Fantasy then I’m probably into it.



Well now this face looks familiar. It shouldn’t be possible, it makes no sense and defies all logic but once again a humble Guardsmen is able to see his friends. The Warp is how humanity travels across the stars but it is a purgatory realm of lost souls and Chaos Gods and thus obeys no laws. Time, physics, cause and effect, all are meaningless words in the Warp, which has for some reason taken a ship that departed in the past and delivered it to the future. The vessel ‘Blood of the First’ has come crashing back to the world of Skyrie and amongst its compliment of Guard returning to this land is a young Corporal with the last name Slinn.


The Coalition of Ordered Governments is an organisation that encompasses all aspects of life from politics to warfare and everything through medical care to historical texts. Each member has their place in the machine of society, each citizen a cog and gear in the machine. It is a society built on unity, founded in crisis and forged in battle.

Rifts appeared across Skyrie to many lands, worlds and dimensions including that of the planet of Sera. Seeing a valuable opportunity for refuge, resource and expansion, the anomalies were monitored closely before an engineer was sent through to record data enabling a safe entry point for the main force to transfer through. With a lot of cursing, help from an unusual woman and a great deal of technical wizardry from Baird and his robot Jack, a signal was finally strong enough to reach back to Jacinto. Now the COG are here to help and prepared for anything.

( I’ve put them at roughly the time of Operation Hollow Storm because they’re still a formidable force, gives me reference points for characters and I really just wanted to use assault derics. )