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America looked at the girl, “Hey.. if you were hot you could have jumped in the ocean… it would have cooled you off.”, she said. “Oh, sorry.. I saw you on the beach.”
“It’s just that… you never answered.”, she said quietly.
“Answer this goddamn door Canada, I know you’re in there!”, America shouted.. a little bit irritated.
America knocked even louder. “Why won’t anyone answer?”, she asked herself.
America was done surfing. It had started to get boring. As soon as she was done, she saw someone familiar.. “Canada!”, she yelled.. but the man just walked away with some little girl. “Damn.. he didn’t hear me.”, she said with a disappointing tone.
Next thing she knew, she had followed Canada into a hotel (still in a bikini and holding a surfboard), and she knocked on the door. -
I am posting as a god right now
A message is tattooed to everyone’s arm, reading Your goal is to destroy the opposite team… Devils will destroy Angels, and Angels will destroy Devils. As soon as you read this message, the tattoo disappears.
Rose walked in ran into the tea party. “Sorry I’m late! It’s becau-“, she stopped in mid-sentence when her eyes set on an enemy.
Lord English
Rose walked over to the two men standing side by side. “If you mind me asking, what is Lord English doing at a tea party?”
Faylyn read the whole readable part of the pamphlet. “These damn superstitious freaks.”, she said as she crumpled it up and threw it in the trash can. “Always making these weird death stories.” Faylyn still had a mile left of walking to do before she arrived at her office.
After completing her walk, Faylyn stepped inside her office just to be met with absolute disaster. Interns flying everywhere.Moms shouting at them and talking about how the games that she makes scares their daughters. A huge pile of papers sat on her desk, and all of the real workers were asleep.
“Now what in the freaking hell is going on!”, Faylyn screamed. Everyone came to a halt, those who were asleep were now awake, and those moms had shut up. Faylyn walked over to her desk, sat down, and propped her legs up on the table.
“Which one of you people are going to tell me what started this?”
The room fell silent.
Plaza(or Zi) collapsed on her bed. She was tired of school and all it’s BS. “They’re all obsessed with me, and I can see why.”, she said while playing with a chunk of hair. “Still, they should leave me alone from time to time…. I am just a normal person.” Plaza sat up and got out her phone, and went on one of those chatrooms that are strongly disproved of. One of those “anything goes” chatrooms.
When she connected, she was chatting with this person under the username of, Anonymous24/7. He instantly sent a long message called, prologue.Anonymous24/7 says- PROLOGUE In the beginning, was a god. An evil god, who created the earth and all humans for entertainment, and only for that purpose. For hundreds of centuries, humans stayed ignorant of his ways, and easily pleased. Until the inevitable happened. Humans developed brains of their own, and started getting curious of his ways. They grasped desperately for an answer, and they got one…… one that wasn’t so pleasing to their God. Eventually, some people thought of him as a myth, some thought he was a joke. No matter what curses he put on the earth, humans didn’t believe he was real.
AgitatedPixie says- dude, that sounds pretty fucking cool. Where’s it from?
Anonymous24/7 says- Go and search up a game called Angels and Devils. Purchase it, and your set.
AgitatedPixie says- :3 thanks man.
Plaza disconnected from the chat, got out her Nexus 5, and went straight to Google Play store. She searched up Angels and Devils, and indeed there was a game called Angels and Devils. It turns out that that guy, had copied and pasted a comment. Either way, she instantly downloaded it.
When it was downloaded she clicked on it, and was met with a black background with white letter asking, Do you want to play? Under it were two choices, yes or no. She clicked yes. Then it asked, Do you want to be on the side of the Angels, or Devils? “I’m way to pretty to be a devil.”, she said as she clicked Angel. The app exited itself, and deleted. Zi was more confused about the huge wings, that had grown out of her back. She was no longer on her bed, she was in midair.
“What. the. hell.”, she said as she unsuccessfully tried to obey gravity.
Is the invitation to the game in computer form?
The invitation can come in anyway, text message, email, a mysterious man can pique your interests…etc.
How do we play the game if we all live in separate house holds?
This game uses real life as an arena, so you guys have to use strategies and stuff to find each other.
There are currently 6 devils, and 7 angels.
There is 1 crime fighter
And 1 unknown person who I will talk to soon.
(Finally my computer stopped glitching, and it’s showing all my weapons.)
Name: Plaza Emerson (Zi)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: She acts the perfect, friendly, weirdishly awesome kind of girl, at school, but she’s actually a freaky, narcissistic, self-righteous, weirdo. Even though, with the right approach.. you might be able to be girl’s friend. She has a weakness for cute things, and she’s a bit withdrawn, but she’s actually nice if you get past all the crap she puts up.
Appearance: She’s average height, and proud of it. She has brown hair, that falls to her shoulders, and green eyes. She’s an acid washed skinny jeans type of girl. She wears a black tank top with a rep pair of lips in the middle. She wears black lipstick outside of school.
Game-player or crime fighter: Game-player
2 abilities you will choose: Ability to have wings to fly, and ability to set things on fire with her eyes.
Location: Lives in her own apartment (paid for by her…. her parents aren’t really around)
Angel or Devil: Angel
Weapons if any: Carries a whip, it’s even in her back pack at school. She also has some crescent moon blades.
Where is the tattoo: On her lower back…. it’s pretty big.
Which Locations I have to choose?
Anywhere like you can choose poor places, rich places. Apartments, etc