The Basics

Display Name

Arlan Oodachi



My Information





Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming


Full Name: Arlan Oodachi

Parents: Unknown

Bonds: Tarotachi Xu Shi-Hua

Partner: Not looking for love relations thank you!

*Arlan was born to a single mother who had died when she was trying to flee from the marriage arrangement her family set her for. On some kind of a miracle the baby survived and was found by a sister of the town’s church and taken in to be raised by the sisters there. He grew into a young boy but for most of his childhood he had refused to speak due to a trauma that he went through. He had wandered off one day and was attacked by a vicious creature only to be saved by a passing by Taoist priest. He was treated for his wounds and in getting to know the male who saved his life he learned that his name was Tarotachi and that he would be safe from then on. Learning he had no where to go he was given a name by him and since then he has remained at his side. He hopes one day to maybe be adopted to have a complete family to call his own.*


//Main character image will be of  Kasen Kanesada from Touken Ranbu. NO CHATS unless important please thanks.//