Forum Replies Created

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  • Vorgun Peruga

    October 19, 2014 at 6:04 pm in reply to: RP 1

    Vorgun looked up to see a meteor rushing towards there location and began to panic, “Nno nno nno!” He fumbled around in his modus to look for the extra ring he found hoping the red miles could stop it from impacting. Just as he grabbed the ring and was about to equip it the meteor crashed down directly onto vorgun burying him and several city blocks underneath the enormous space rock.

    ((Wow nearly three weeks since the last post. Getting kind of bored of this character now…))

  • Vorgun Peruga

    September 30, 2014 at 12:25 am in reply to: RP 1

    vorgun burnt the game discs contents down into coding and downloaded it to the small chip in he back of his head. his little holoscreen appeared like the screen of a dbz scouter and showed his desktop and his chat log. “Ok letss do thiss. Whoss mmy sserver player?” he spoke aloud as his screen typed his words into the chat. “D0nt you have s0me m0re people to br1ng back?” one of the mystery players responded. “<(0)> Dont leave them bro we need the extra players” Vorgun groaned “Right the wolf annd the child i almmosst forgot” Vorgun slammed through the apartments front door shattering it as well only to turn around and say “well fix it later”. Before he darted off after mirrabelle.

  • Vorgun Peruga

    September 20, 2014 at 8:21 pm in reply to: RP 1

    ((…where did everybody go? Did the RP die? Hello?))

  • Vorgun Peruga

    September 4, 2014 at 4:22 am in reply to: RP 1

    Vorgun found a computer and put in the game disc the loading wheel sprang up as the computer booted up the game. “Ok good it lookss like ssommeonne hass already sstarted playinng inn a ssessssionn…wait…theress nno way…” Vorgun blankly stared at his screen until a small chat icon flashed and read “<(0)> Long time no see old moirale” followed by a new chat message of “hey 1ve been wa1t1ng f0r y0u” . he couldnt believe his eyes when he read them. These people were supposed to be long dead by now but regardless he started the game.

    ((Where is everybody?))

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 30, 2014 at 6:19 am in reply to: RP 1

    Vorgun after being forced awake by the destruction of prospit slammed through his bedroom door shattering it to splinters. “WHERE ISS THE COMMPUTER!? I NNEED A COMMPUTER!” He kicked in tas’ door. “Get up annd finnd mmirabelle! The reckonninng jusst sstarted annd i nneed to finnd a commputer before we all get wiped out by a mmeateor sshower. We mmay be fromm differennt realitiess but were inn the ssamme onne nnow which mmeannss We’ll all be inn the ssamme ssessssionn!” He ran out into the living room and searched rampantly for a computer.

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 26, 2014 at 10:45 pm in reply to: RP 1

    Vorgun walked along the gold paved streets of the small moon. Smiling as the carapacians that call the moon home greeted him. He walked calmly before he stopped. Something in the air felt different suddenly. Vorgun looked up to see meteors heading towards his universes skia and realized the reckoning had just begun.skias defence grid actuvated and the portals began teleporting away the metoers but not till one hit prospit. The moon rocked as the shock passed into the inhabitants building started to collapse and crble as the moon began to break into pieces vorgun made an attempt to run only to be knocked unconcious by falling building bits. As he blacked out he began falling down towards skia with the remains of prospit as he was jolted awake in reality.
    ((Actually according to the quiz im a derse dreamer but vorgun is prospit.))

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 25, 2014 at 12:32 pm in reply to: RP 1

    Vorgun went into the room and set up his things before crawling into bed to sleep.
    As he fell asleep he reawakened on the moon prospit. His room there was large and golden with lots of light. It was a beautiful moon with golden streets and towers. Light was everywhere and filled the buildings. The white carapaced prospitians were friendly people unlike there dersian counter parts.
    Vorgun left his bedroom tower and explored the streets to take in the beauty of the planet.

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 24, 2014 at 3:57 am in reply to: RP 1

    Vorgun put on the purple sweater that looked like kankris and his gray skin turned a pale tan color, his black hair turned a dark brown, and his yellow eyes turned to a normal human white. He looked just like another human. His horns even vanished from sight. Tas spoke with the salesman and paid for the building as vorgun explored the apartment. “Theres onnly two bedroommss…sso either ssommeonne hass to sshare a roomm or ssommeonne hass to take the couch…well figure it out.” He pulled his wardrobe out his modus and set in one of the rooms. He walked back to the living room and looked out of the blinds. “Itss finnally dark…timme to get ssomme ssleep. You two go ahead annd pick your roommss.”


  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 22, 2014 at 6:49 pm in reply to: RP 1

    Vorgun looked away from the screen to mirabelle. “Donnt worry about fire mmirabelle well get it sstarted inn a sseconnd” his holoscreen flashed the pices symbol again and his iris turned neon red for a second. “Ok i thinnk ive beenn onn the commputer to lonng my head hurtss annd the chip iss gettinng hot.” He waved his hand again and the screen vanished. There was a knock at the door and vorgun turned to tas. “You mmight wannt to get that…he mmight nnot take ann alien inn hiss buildinng very well”

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 21, 2014 at 9:56 pm in reply to: RP 1

    Vorgun gave the salesperson a call and offered to pay up front “yess…ok…250 a monnth for rennt? Mmaybe we cann nnegotiate? Alright…ok well be at the ssite…ssee you ssoonn thenn.” Vorgun hung up and snuck up on tas and grabbed the sweater and when he did the skin on his hand turned a light tan color and reverted to gray when he let go. “Whatss thiss mmade of!? Does it come in violet?” He asked tas before pulling up his holoscreen again to look for furniture.

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 21, 2014 at 5:09 pm in reply to: RP 1

    “Ok well onne howd you jusst channge appearannce with a ssweater? For finndinng thiss place ill pull ssommethinng up.” He waved his hand and a small holographic screen appeared in front of him similar to the menu screen from sword art online. He tapped a button and a holographic keyboard with alternian letters popped up under the screen and he began typing. “Whenn i wass younnger a little chip wass innsstalled innto the back of mmy head that lets me pull up a little computer at will. But itss wierrd ssomme timmess causse ill sstart thinnkinng wierd sstuff at ranndomm annd it givess mme a headache.” Vorgun looked away and when he did his screen flashed the pieces symbol, the symbol of the her royal condescension, which qickly vanished as he turned back to the screen. “Ok here it iss…lookss like itss goinng to be… 250 dollarss…uh i have nno idea the currenncy exchannge fromm alternnia to earth…sshould i jusst conntact the ssalessperssonn?”

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 21, 2014 at 4:38 am in reply to: RP 1

    Vorgun thought for a moment on what to eat before his stomach let out a loud growl. “Annythinng you cann get imm sstarvinng” He stood up and walked over to an old fridge in the building to check for food but only found mold and bugs. “Well theress nnothinng here sso i guessss we have to go out for food.” He decided to explore the apartment while mirabelle got food to see if he could find anything usefull.

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 21, 2014 at 1:42 am in reply to: RP 1

    “Hopefully we cann.” Vorgun reached out his hand and grabbed tas’ hand. “You sshould sstay with uss. Wed have a better channce of ssurvivinng if we sstick together.” Vorgun puled out his wardrobe again and pulled out another violet shirt. “Hope you donnt mminnd i jusst nneed to channge thiss sshirt. I tore mmy ssleeve to mmake a water rag for you earlier.” Vorgun took off his vest and shirt and began to remove the webbing mirabelle applied since he was feeling fine now. The accelerated healing rate from the web caused the bite marks to scar leaving a perforated circular scar on vorguns left side. “Itss goinng to be dark ssoonn. We sshould sstay here till the mornninng. Will you be sstayinng with uss thiss timme tass?” Vorgun put his shirt back on and sat back down on the couch. “Onne of uss could get ssomme food for tonnight annd possssibly the nnext few dayss”

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 20, 2014 at 5:00 pm in reply to: RP 1

    “Alternnia…thatss the alternnate timmelinne fromm beforuss. I here theyre alot mmore…hosstile onn that plannet” Vorgun looked down slightly, “Ive nnever had mmanny people to talk to…Whenn i wass little it wass jusst mme annd mmy lussuss. Whenn i grew up alittle mmore i…i wass a terrible perssonn. Mmy hive wass full of chainnss and sshackless, innnnocennt trollss bounnd up to fuel mmy enndlessss temmper tanntrumm. It got sso bad the fusshia blood inn mmy timmelinne had to dessignnate annother troll to keep mme in linne” Vorgun gripped the couch as his nails tug in poking holes in it. “We hit it off right away annd sshortly after we becamme mmatesspritess. Sshe was a yellow blood…mmy yellow blood. Sshe helped mme get better, annd helped mme becomme lessss violennt. After ssomme timme sshe got bored of mme annd left, because sshe had helped mme all that sshe could.” Vorgun stood up and began pacing around the room. “Thenn i wennt onn mmy rammpage annd killed almmosst half of mmy plannetss populationn. The lowbloodss had beenn planninng there revolutionn lonng before but i sset it innto mmotionn with mmy tanntrumm. Sshe camme back to put mme back inn linne annd sshe becamme mmy mmoirail to fix what i had donne, but it wass to late. Ass ssweepss wennt by the lowbloodss wennt arounnd takinng conntrol annd killinng highbloodss, annd evenntually they founnd mme. I wass punnisshed for what i did; i wass chainned to the grounnd annd forced to watch her be tortured for helpinng mme before they executed her. After that they zapped mme to thiss plannet.” Vorgun sat back down and sighed, “It feelss nnice to finnally talk to sommeonne about it…” Forgeting his conversation he looked back to tas, “ssorry i wennt onn a rannt there…sso what were the trollss like onn alternnia?”

  • Vorgun Peruga

    August 20, 2014 at 5:55 am in reply to: RP 1

    After you blacked out mmirabelle camme to aid you annd i evenntually got to you two but it wass diffucult connssiderinng i tried to pick a fight with a sshark annd nnearly bled to death. I carried you to thiss abanndonned apartmmennt commplex annd weve beenn here ssinnce thenn. You woke up annd sstummbled arounnd but i ssat you downn, apologized, annd tried to lay you back downn but you ssnnuggled mme before i could react and well…i guessss thatss it…your all caught up.” Vorgun sat back down on the couch with tas. “Sso inn your ssleep-walkinng type sstate i, uh, nnoticed you have sawed off hornnss onn your head, annd you alsso have blue blood. Tell mme…what plannet are you fromm?” He stared at tas waiting to finally have an answer to one of his questions.

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