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Caligula nodded, “It would be more convenient if there were more angels for me as well.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair, “But this should be good enough for the time being.” He began walking between the two of them, “Australia is known for drunkards, right? I wonder if there’s a place to get a good scotch around.” He glanced at the two of them, “It might be best to look around the area and see the lay of the land.”
Caligula tapped his pen against the paper and sighed, shutting the notebook, “I see, I suppose that’s the most frugal choice of action.” He tucked the pen in his breast pocket and pocketed his notebook as well, “Perhaps we should change the conversation.” He said, tightening his wrinkled tie although it didn’t do much to improve his disheveled appearance, “This is the country of Australia, correct?” He asked, standing up and casually stretching his back, “Last time I was on Earth, this continent was barely a colony… It would be useful to explore around, do you know if leaving here is allowed?” He asked, placing his hands in his jacket pockets.
Caligula crossed his legs and leaned forward with a small smile, as if observing a child showing off a trick, “I see, must be rather handy.” he said and held his chin and gently scratched his beard, “Is that the sort of level most angels are on?” He asked, picking his pen up once again, “The information could be useful.”
Caligula smiled dryly and placed the pen down flat on his notebook, “As far as demons go, objectively I am pretty useless. I have no special powers and can’t do anything like hand-to-hand fighting, though I can lift a mean box if the need arises.” He leaned his cheek on his hand and directed an expression of wry amusement toward Celeste, “And you, mister angel, what are the powers that make you so amazing?”
Caligula shook his head and took a long drag from his cigarette, and tilted his head up, “No, just thinking.” he sighed, letting out a cloud of smoke, “The enormity of this task just dawned on me again,” he said, tapping the ash from his cigarette onto the ground, “It’ll likely take years before an angel could step foot in hell without being attacked.” He said, putting his cigarette back in his mouth and producing his notebook and pen once again, beginning to scrawl in it, murmuring inaudibly to himself.
Caligula lifted his lighter up and lit his cigarette with a quick flick, “I haven’t killed anyone,” he said, blowing out a puff of smoke, “I know its rather abnormal for a demon to think this way, but personally I find killing distasteful.” He said, sitting back down on a the rock, “Although, I know I’m in the minority there and often times its demon nature not to change.” He mumbled mostly to himself with closed eyes, threading his fingers together and leaning his head on his hands.
Caligula pushed his glasses up nonchalantly, “The usual, I’m in the administrative department. I spend days organizing files and dealing with soldiers going on leave, retiring and the like.” He continued lying, “I have to interact with some of the most… aggressive of our kind,” He explained, pulling a box of cigarettes out of his pocket, “I imagine that equips me to deal with unreasonable angles as well as demons.” He put a cigarette in his mouth and fished around in his pocket for a lighter, “Of course, I have my own reasons as well.”
Caligula had silently observed the two of them for the duration of the conversation, mentally noting what they said while holding a hand on his chin with a faint smile. He rolled back his shoulders and put both hands in his pockets. He glanced at Jaya, overlooking the sniffing, “I’ve heard of you, however I don’t believe we’ve met.” He put his hand out amicably, “I’m Caligula Decimus, more or less a civilian. I do desk work, you see,” he lied, “Some higher-up recommended me here so I volunteered.”
I’m Wake. I rp around here with my usual group, though those guys haven’t been on recently. I use a different character for every rp and I guess Im pretty serious about it. I’m cool with any genre, although I suppose my favorite would be romance. I’m always here so hit me up anytime if you wanna wright together.
Caligula pushed his glasses up and let out a soft sigh, “…I see.” He murmured and stood up, “Historically at least, it’s not a good idea to write off an entire population. It’ll be counterproductive to the assignment anyway.” He approached Celest and extended a hand to her, “Either way, I’ll stay out of your hair for the duration of this. I’d be happy if you did the same.” he said with a kind smile.
A little late, but I have a pic now, sry for spam (<-<“
“My apologies, in that case, I can usually identify a voice.” Said Caligula, capping his pen and placing it in his breast pocket and closing his notebook. He glanced at Celest from behind his glasses with a vague glimmer of interest in his eye, “If you don’t mind further interruption, I seldom get the chance to talk with an angel. I’m rather interested in honesty.” He threaded his fingers together and placed his hands in his lap, “You mention this mission as if you’re reluctant to be here, did you volunteer or where you assigned?” He ran a hand through his hair, “As you can see, I’m a bit of an old man, I’m not really sure how things work anymore.” He said with a chuckle.
Caligula sat with his legs crossed on a rock nearby, absentmindedly scrawling in a leather bound notebook and listening in on their conversation with one ear. He raised his pen and pointed at them with it, “Miss angel is correct, if you would forgive my interruption.” He said, placing his pen back onto the paper without breaking eye contact with the book, “There is no one who’s truly succeeded without failing dozens of times first. It may be a platitude, but there’s truth to it.” he spoke with a calm, deep tone of voice, “Truthfully, I don’t believe setting out to be great is the best way to achieve greatness.”
Name: Caligula Decimus, although sometimes goes by his pseudonym of Jack Hemingway.
Species: Demon
Description: Tall at 6’3″ and built sturdily and muscularly with broad shoulders and a wide chest. Usually, he wears a cheap black suit which is always wrinkled with a slightly wilted rose in the lapel. He wears small, square glasses with small lenses. He has a bit of stubble on his face and black, unkempt, slicked back hair with black curved horns coming from the top of his head. He has thin, sharp black eyes with stilted pupils.
Personality: Despite his size, Caligula is a fairly nice guy, sort of like a teddy bear, big and strong yet gentle personality-wise, a pacifist. He has the persona of a cliche disheveled novelist, coffee, cigarettes, whiskey, the whole lot. He’s more or less the intellectual type, very level-headed and logical under typical circumstances. When he’s especially tired, he can be cranky at times, although is only dangerously so when late on his deadlines. He also acts very solitary when working on a project, shutting himself up somewhere with a laptop or typewriter and writing for hours, however when he’s off a project, he’s rather amiable and social, usually with a dad-like playfulness. The only way he gets properly mad is for someone else’s sake. When in group of people, his maturity and level-headedness often leaves him to take on the role of the dad of the group. Likewise, he has the tendency to make dad jokes.
Background: Caligula died in the roman times, however he doesn’t properly remember being alive after all the years. After a long time of consideration, he’s come to the conclusion he’s sold his soul for something and that’s what made him a demon, however that’s no more than speculation. He did the usual demon army thing for a while, but after a while he slowly phased out of that and no one really bothered to take him back, he wasn’t a particularly great soldier anyway. Around the 1800’s, he picked up the hobby of writing novels and somehow got them in circulation around hell, and through those novels, he became a rather renowned novelist around hell, going by the pseudonym of Jack Hemingway. That would be his biggest secret that only close friends know. He still writes novels to this day and still has great popularity for his books.
Powers: Nothing special. He’s clever and fairly strong, but mostly for lifting things and pushing things, not fighting. He’s an alright marksman, enough to take someone down if he wanted to, but has no precision.
Weapons: Usually carries a handgun if he knows he’s going to be somewhere dangerous, although it takes a bit to get him to shoot, he prefers to use it as a threat, but its still always loaded.
Checks: Although he doesn’t really have any particular powers, his weaknesses are substance addiction to nicotine and caffeine.
Zhangxi nodded and put his hands in his pockets, “I see.” he said, somewhat awkwardly as he walked.