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Makio nodded and hesitated for a moment before leaving to return to his desk. He slumped over in his chair, letting his head rest down on his desk with a slight sigh, staring off into space for a moment before taking out his phone and texting rapidly.
Theon gives Asona a quizzical look, “You don’t have to answer so earnestly.” He tilted his head a little to the side, looking over her again with a different expression than usual, some new thought seeming to have come to him, “Y’know, you’re sort of weird… or interesting, I guess.” He said halfway to himself, but then snapped out of his thoughts as the shopkeeper reappeared from within his store and handed him a harpoon made with a dull silvery metal. The head was sharp and barbed– designed so that once embedded inside the target it can’t be easily removed– and mounted on a thick wooden pole covered with a watertight resin. Theon handed the blacksmith a handful of coins and grinned, looking down at his new weapon with a grin like a kid’s on Christmas morning. He tossed the bag of the remaining coins at Asona, “Is there anything you want to buy?” He asked, speaking quickly, “‘Cause if there is, we should get it quickly, I want to try this out!” He said, feeling out the weight and balance of the harpoon in his hands.
Tyr perched in a tree, scampering up and down the branches, observing and studying the structure of the trees and the actions of the wildlife. He hears the shuffling sound of Severin as he walks past and darts behind a branch of thick foliage, an area where he hoped he was hidden yet could track his surroundings.
Theon shrugged, “About… a day, I had one for a while earlier but I lost it. It was a piece crap anyway.” He said, putting a hand on his hip and leaning against the bank of the canal, “Anyway, even if I’d been out a weapon for a month, I’d still be perfect.” He said, somewhat vainly gesturing to his chest, “Maybe I’d be even hotter with a couple battle scars, what do you think?”
Theon seemed to tune most of what she said out, becoming distracted with a weapon shop, “Yeah, well sounds like the middle of nowhere to me.” He said with a dismissive tone, then hailed down the shopkeeper, “Hey, monsieur, give me your best harpoon!” He commanded with an exited tone of voice, jingling the bag of coins in front of him. With a shrug, the blacksmith disappeared within his shop to fetch the requested weapon. Theon turned back to Asona, putting his hands together, pleased, “Ahh~ finally! It feels like so long since I’ve been armed!” He said happily.
Makoto tilted his head to the side a little, absently beginning to twirl a lock of hair between his fingers, “Ah… my training was different, rebounds for Prayer are usually really light.” He said with a shrug, “Overusing it usually just makes me tired or pass out, although I’ve read before that using a Prayer too advanced can have worse rebound.” He glanced over at him with a stunning grin, “Well, lets just hope it doesn’t come to that, right?”
Dante tilted his head slightly, noticing Gully’s melancholy, but thinking it would be rude, he decided to remain quiet, “I see…” He said, beginning to collect some of the berries. He popped one in his mouth, “Ah, its good.” He said with a small smile, “I think I’ve tried this before, but I don’t remember now.” He examined one of the berries closer, “There was nothing like this back home.”
Theon shrugs, “Suppose so, then again you lived in the middle of nowhere, city people are probably more civilized.” He said, “Anyway, I like humans, they’re fun to play with.” He said with a smile, “Its no fun lying to someone who’ll never believe you.”
Dante let out a short yelp of surprise at being grabbed. After being released, he stumbled a little “A-ah… Warn me next time…” He murmured, then walked over to the berry bush, crouching down a little to look them over, “And you’re sure they’re safe to eat right?” He asked skeptically, tilting his head, “I don’t want to become sick or… Y’know, dead.” -
As they finished, Makio didn’t really know how to respond. He looked between Arrenadd and Gunther as if searching for some kind of clue on their faces. Unable to find one, he decided to follow his instincts. slid off the table, stood, bowed and said, “Thank you for your hard work!” In a monotone yet awkward voice. Quickly, he realized that his instincts were about as inept as the rest of him, yet decided to trust them again, putting his hands in his pockets and turning to flee the uncomfortable atmosphere he assumed he caused.
“If course it was a good plan, I made it!” Theon bragged, putting a hand on his hip confidently, “Anyway, once you learn how to read people, coming up with a story they’ll believe isn’t so hard.” He said with a shrug, beginning to swim off again, looking at all rhe shops they passed for one that might sell a halfway decent harpoon, “You should remember that, kid, it might help you out the future. Humans are weird anyway, so many of them think of us in such a high light, I doubt they even believe that we can lie.” He pondered, “I mean, I get why someone would think that of me,” he said half-seriously, “but for everyone else… Don’t really see it.”