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Okarin lets out a laugh, but subtly goes to the door and double-checks that it was locked, “Alright!” He begins to run after Akio, at first giving chase intentionally, but when he tried he still struggled to catch him, being as tired and out of shape as he was. Eventually he managed to catch Akio by the arm, “Ah… I got you…” He panted, already out of breath from such a short run.
Snidely watches her, waiting for any signs of something happening. Behind his stoic, somewhat cold gaze, his thoughts were conflicted, even though he wouldn’t admit it, he liked Fern, he didn’t want her to leave but perhaps more than that he didn’t want her to be caught in the crossfire and deep inside was almost hoping for her family to force her back home. He takes the rest of his scotch in one gulp, “…Yeah.” He mumbles.
Okarin dispenses one of his smiles reserved for patients, “Ah, well that’s good.” He looks up to the ceiling, “Did the bulbs die?” He makes a note on the clipboard, “I’ll get someone to fix it tomorrow.” He crouches down a little to be on the same level as Akio, “Anyway, how’ve you been doing lately?”
Leo opens his beak to respond but Snidely cuts him off before he could say anything, “Who knows, he’ll get us when he wants us. Could be anywhere from a few hours to a day or something.” He answers briskly, a hint of salt directed towards Leo in his tone.
Leo looks up to Fern smiles in a way that made him look rather cute. If chickens could blush, he probably was very faintly. “Thanks!” He quickly looks back down to the paper, perhaps slightly flustered, “-Don’t really like to use crayons though, but its all they got here, I take what I get, right?” Snidely crosses his wings, taking a sip of his drink, glaring at Leo, perhaps just a tad jealous.
Okarin pockets the serine again, then lays Cobalt on the ground as comfortably as possible, although being the weakling he was he couldn’t carry him properly to his bed. “…Sorry buddy.” He sighs, smile vanishing completely from his face as he makes a note of his actions on his clipboard and reading over his next case, “…Akio…” He whispers under his breath. He tucks the clipboard under his arm, refilling the needle with sedative as he walks down the dark hallway, shortly reaching the next room he was assigned to.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Leo shrugs, angrily crumpling up the paper he was working on and shoving it in his pocket then looks back up at them. “They wanted me to do tags for them.” He pulls out another sheet of paper and begins drawing again, “But they don’t really like me, so its kinda like I’m the boss’s kid at the office or something.” He smiles slightly, “…Though, its fun so I wont be leaving anytime soon!”
Nagisa looks from Fang and to the ground, he scratches the back of his head, beginning to pace back and fourth quickly, “I-I don’t.. Wh-what… what to do…” He runs his hand through his hair, pulling at the ends in frustration and a feeling of futility, “What can we do? … I don’t know…” He said in a highly panicked tone of voice.