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Windy blinks hen shakes her head, “This is… too whimsical for me. How do I go home or wake up or whatever, my cats are gonna be pissed…”
“you kinda seem like the insane one… I just want to find out where we are and go home ASAP….” Windy mumbles, scratching the back of her head.
Windy shook his hand, “Hey… Uh, where are we? And why are we here?”
Windy looks around and notices Katherine, She thinks for a moment, then jogs a few seconds and falls into step next to her, “…Um, hi? I don’t really know where I am… do you have any idea?”
Windy looks around the landscape, and sees a couple people standing around, then looking around for another few seconds, she decides to go and see who they are.
Name: Windy.
Skills: Isn’t good at much. Likes to draw, spends most of the time online or drawing, can play guitar a little, other than that has no special skills or redeeming qualities.
Personality: Prefers to be alone more than with anyone else, doesn’t make very strong relationships with people, but is friendly. Has a sense of humor, but not the best one, almost compulsively makes anime references and your mom jokes. Can get excited easily, but is also kinda shy or snarky sometimes.
Magic: Telekinesis, cant really lift things heavier than 10 or 15 lbs.
Male, kinda tall body type is obscured by clothes. Face is also obscured by a gas mask he always wears (thats allowed right?)
Clothes: Pic + mentioned gas mask