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He got out the fountain again, watching the two that where about to spar, waiting for them to start.Miwa:
Since Takra hasn’t let her go, she’s kinda just hanging there in his grip. -
Miwa fell still and looked sheepish,”O-Oh. S-Sorry M-Mr.G-Godal, s-sir…” She cringed a bit, expecting to be slapped as well.
Miwa squeaked as her brother was slapped, she jumped down again and did a clumsy landing on Godal’s shoulders and gripped his head, flapping her wings harshly, trying to get him away from her brother.Haru:
He was giggling away in the fountain again. -
Okay shit, Takra got up. She looked at him and promptly paled, scrambling up into the tree again. -
Miwa squeaked when she saw her brother be man handled, the small girl jumped down and flared her wings which caused a messy tumble into Q. Which hopefully her weight would make his stumble a bit and back off from her brother. Though it not, she crouched next to her brother, too-big,jet black wings flared protectively and glared at Q. “Leave my brother alone!” Her voice was fearful, but strong. -
…Good gosh, Miwa was now slowly scooting away from her brother, angry brother is not good brother. She scrambled into the tree and took root on the highest branch she could with it out breaking under her weight. High places are good..Yes, very good. The girl peered at Hallow and hid her self in the leaves of the trees, removing her jacket and tying it around her waist in case she needed to make a quick get away.
..Miwa doesn’t have a sword, she’s sitting down under a tree. She tensed as Hallow approached and even more as Q pointed at her. He tugged her jacket and looked down at her feet, wisps of silver/white hair swinging in the small breeze. -
(My goal was to piss off Takra, mission complete XD)
Haru:Haru shrugged and turned back to the group, he giggled to himself and noticed Miwa though didn’t go over to her. She looked like a bird hater.
She glanced at her brother,”That t-teacher is an o-odd fellow.” She said quietly as she watched him. The said teacher had fell into the fountain again as she spoke. -
He gave the wolf a dark look,”This id a spar, not a full out battle, did you think of the aftermath of the tornado if it sucked in other peiple and killed them?” He turned away and took the good thingy,”Oh, shoot I okay? Be careful though.” He then turned to Takra, where the hell did he come from? “Angry child, calm your self before you start a fight, we’re going one fight at a time, all right?”
Miwa gave up on the sword and just followed her brother again. The girl shrunk into a tree that was on the edge of the court yard and sat down, pulling her knees up. -
Why the FUCK WOULD YOU CALL A TORNADO IN THE MIDDLE OF A SCHOOL COURT YARD?! Haru frowned and stepped forward,”Fight over!” He waved his hand and something tore the tornado apart. He basically just called cold wind and used it to disburse the tornado. “Okay, this is training, not fight to the death you two!” He wasn’t giggling right now.
Haru was bored,he thought the fight was rather dull, so he turned back to the others,”Start stretching so you don’t pull a muscle when you spar.”
(dang everyone is taking control of elements, I’ll change Haru’s power because after I posted a bunch of new people came with element powers XD)
Haru giggled as he watched them, ready to throw up a shield and separate the two if needed. The he makes a random,”Hurrrr.”
..She can’t find a small enough sword, so she’s slowly dragging the smallest one she found over to the corner. It was much to big for her but the girl tried her best to pick it up.
“All righty~! Go!” He cheered before looking at the rest with a crooked grin,”Of course you two can be a pair, you guys will go next!” -
“Well, no, but just be careful! Hatdu and Byrne pair up, they’ll be the first spar~!”Miwa:
Miwa stood and followed her brother to the war room. She watched him, she taught herself basic sword fighting. Just enough to keep her alive. She left for the sword rack and scanned then, she was still shaky about fighting, but she’ll have to learn one day. So the girl tried to find a sword she could actually pick up.
Haru nodded at Tom,”No weapons, yes yes! Just your powers. And Miss.AenA, if you wanna watch or help out Mr.Q, that’ll be perfect! Do want makes you feel where you think is the best for you to be~!!”