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  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 9:27 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi shook her head no,”I’m not in the game yet,oh! I just remembered,I ordered the game a while ago.” Casi twitted her fingers,”though there’s a problem, I don’t know any others who play/ordered the game. I don’t have to many friends to say so at least..” She laughed slightly and pulled up her legs to sit cross legged on the couch.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 8:53 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi giggled at the yellow of his face, all traces of fear now gone like ashes in the wind. She snatched a new gun from her bed side table and stuffed it in her hoodie pocket, then grinned at the two trolls. “Here lets go to the living room ,it’s a little cramped in here.” The girl lead them to her living room and decided to sit on the couch made for two, instead of the long one that Armane and her sad on, not a to long while ago, letting the two lovers sit alone with each other. Once they sat down and where settled, Casi broke the comfortable silence,”So, Fenrie, are you a God Teir too?”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 8:33 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi grinned,”He saved mine mostly,” she patted his arm,”Armane said earlier that he had to tell you something?” Casi grinned again and walked to the Tv and turned it off her bare feet making no sound on the soft carpet.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 8:21 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded and let out a slow breath,then clutched her morail. “Sorry..” She muttered into the cloth, her shaking slowly stopped and she calmed down. The red faced girl wiped her eyes and fixed her shades noticing the other troll in her room. “Oh..Uh..Hi!..Sorry about that..” Casi let go of Armane and scooted and held her hand out to her,”I’m Casi, you may you be?”

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 8:04 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi took a shuttering breath and flickered, suddenly they where back in her room the movie rolling to it’s credits. The small girl took a deep breath and wiped her eyes, still shaking.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 1:24 pm in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi’s eyes flickered to Armane, she was currently crying but she grabbed his cloak in silent horror of what her mind replayed. The small girl hurried her face into the troll’s side and hugest him around the middle tightly, shakeing.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 5:12 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi then proceeded to have a very graphic night mare of Armane being ripped cruelly to shreds by a clocked figure, and the fuzzy images of her older guardians, square glasses and anime shades in all laying in puddles of blood. The movie she just watched entranced her fears and they replayed over in her mind with the characters a Armane and her long lost guardians.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 4:54 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded and let out a sigh and relaxed against the troll’s side. She almost fell over when the larger body jumped, she hugged him around the middle, “Now I got you!” She laughed slightly and yawned again letting her arms drop and snuggle into the warmth besides her. Then promptly fell asleep, with her shades almost giving to gravity.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 4:35 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi sniffed, an amusing sound and relaxed as the movie violence died down, she was holding herself rather stiffly and the girl didn’t notice. Armane was a big comfort as well, she would never watch this movie by her self. The only reason she got the movie is that in case someone came over who liked horror, which the movie did serve it’s purpose. Casi jumped again as a shrill scream split the air from the screen.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 4:28 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi yawned slightly into her hand, they where well in the movie now, though she did notice when Armane shifted as if in pain. “Are you okay?” She looked up worriedly her heart slowing down after a predictably scary part of the movie.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 4:22 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi jumped at the touch not used to being interacted with physical, and the movie didn’t really help. “..I’m not sure.. I guess they like short titles?” Casi guessed she papped his hand and shrugged.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 4:12 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    “Yea,” Casi whispered and leaned her head on his shoulder her heart racing in her chest.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 4:06 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi nodded and closed her eyes behind her shades, she would rather also cover her ears but she’ll deal with it. She’s an English, they don’t scared of a measly movie! A short scream made her jump, okay this one did.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 3:59 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    Casi smiled,”Sure!” She took a movie from the shelf and popped it into the DVD player, turned on the Tv, and pressed pay. It started up as She turned off the lights and let Armae to her bed where they settled Casi leaning on Armane. American Horror Stories flashed on the screen and the movie started. Casi secretly didn’t like horror as she usually go really freaked out by them, but she’ll watch them for the sake of Armane.

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 25, 2014 at 3:52 am in reply to: Earth (Second timeline)

    She led him to kitchen,”I have a big Tv in my room for such occasions, plus that’s where I keep my movies. But first to the kitchen for popcorn, once they were in Casi popped the pop corn in her micro and soon enough they where in her room. “What do you like, romance, adventure,horror?”

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