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Haru grinned and leaned forward,”I felt all the energies here at your school, you got a lot of powerful ones here. I thought you’ll need a hand and maybe another teacher. So here I am!” He cheered and giggled again.
Miwa was still sleeping, curled up in a tight ball, mumbling about something, though her words couldn’t be distinguished. The moon light from the large window cast strange shadows around the room, almost as if they where silhouettes of people, crowding around the walls. She turned around, curled in a fetal position, her wings wrapping around herself.Haru:
He grinned and inspected his nails, kicking his legs a bit,”What? no talk from the bean stalk?” He giggled and sat up properly, sitting cross legged in the chair.
Haru clapped his hands excitedly,”Oh good, you do remember me!” He laughed gleefully, and bounced in, small bursts of multicoloured light coming from his foot steps then disbursed after a moment. The man twirl and flopped down on one of the chairs teenage style. Basically side ways, legs over the side and leaning his head on the arm rest,”How’ve you been?!”
Haru, happily strode up to the school. Well he was more like skipping, a grown man, skipping, how lovely is that. He giggled to himself and made his way to Godal’s office, they where old friends. Well Haru hoped they where old friends, and happily knocked on the door and sang,”I hope it’s not to late to engage in conversation my dear friend~!”
Name: Haruchinaki Penikaniaki (Haru)
Age: Dunno some numbers
Grade: Teacher
Gender: Male
appearance: http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm117/light_bulb_2008/mythlogical/thumb_410f5ccf729c9c855a16b1db11871.jpg
Gift or Talent (Power, Demon, Animal person etc.): He.. Can control the 5 ‘elements’, earth,water,fire and light and darkness. He knows most subjects,magic,alchemy,history,ect. The rest of his powers are unknown.
Back story: Not important
Goal(s): Be a teacher, teach little shits
Good or Evil: Both
Subject you study: I guess he can teach anything
Live in the school: Yes
Other: He’s a pretty mellow dude, and fun with a bright personality, he’s happy but not to much happy at one time, ya get what I mean? He likes kids, and people in genral and really really really likes birds. Just birds, they’re awesome.
Okay by the time Takra made it back to his corner, Miwa was once again asleep on her bed. She grunted a little at the blanket and sleepily threw it back.
At the voices, Miwa awoke again and red eyes peered from the gloom and at Asami, the moon light making her mostly visible as she slid off the bed and walked over, wanting to know who’s at the door.
Miwa watched her brother go before getting up and scrambled after him. She noticed her brother sitting in the corner and tugged the blanket off her bed. In the room, it was rather chilly, but Miwa didn’t notice and kinda half draped the blanket over her brother before scrambling back to her bed. Where she ditched her jacket again and curled up.
Miwa woke up as Takra walked out the room and groaned to herself. She slipped her jacket on,grabbed her book and followed after her brother sleepily. She took no notice to his new wardrobe and yawned into her hand. The girl, once at the gym, took shelter under the basket ball post again, leaning against it and crossing her legs. She opened her book in her lap and blearily started to read.
Mia jerked away at the intercom statemeny. IT’S THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT PEOPLE GO TO BEEEEEEED. she promptly just went back to sleep, Ignoring the intercom.
After a few minutes Miwas was asleep, slumped over her book. Her jacket was off to the side, a wing falling off the side of the bed, the other being used as a blanket.
Miwa nodded and gave Ludwig a small bow and trotted off, a small, black fether resting on the floor. The girl found her way after a while and enetered the room quietly. She climbed onto her bed and wiggled under the covers, opening thr book of magic and started to read in the dim light.
Miwa nodded and shuffled her feet again. “Y-Yeah. U-Um… I s-should go b-before my brother find m-me gone.. D-Do you k-know the w-way t-to the library?”
Miwa ducked her head shyly,”I-I guess s-so.” She said quietly and tugged a bit at her jacket. “H-He sounds n-nice.” The girl shuffled her feet again and didn’t know what to say next.
Miwa stood and bowed her head, shuffling her bare feet on the floor. “M-my name is M-Miwa..” Or a few weeks ago it was 0001D12, those where the good ol’ days. Please notice that sarcasm.
((I need to go to the store so I can reply in a few hours))