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Miwa reached into the hat and took out a slip of paper. She read it and brightened, fuck yeah bitches, she got her brother.
Miwa jumped about a foot at the apperance of WRAITH, and started to scoot away from him. And took the oppurtnity of getting a name and skittered to Godal.
Yeah, clearly not, but she was doing her best to not show her distress, though the added stutter may of given it away. She pulled her jacket tighter around her, she’s going have to find something to bind the vile things called wings. Though back to the meaning of pain, pain has no meaning really, it’s just endless agony.
Miwa subconsciously touched her neck, where scar marks still bore and she shuttered. Then tried to push the distressing thoughts out of her mind, or out of the way.
Miwa got up from her spot and put her books away before travelling to the gym. she brightened when she saw Takra and made her way over to her brother, and watched Godal as he talked. A essay about pain, She shuttered, bad memoires about pain, then again, who doesn’t have those? The small girl shuffled her bare feet before speaking up,”u-Um…W-What is a…s-secret S-S-Santa?”
Miwa still happily read the books, before finishing mlat of her essay and travled to her room to drop everything off. The small girl hugged her jacket close to her ventured to the roof.
Once there she took off her jacket and folded it, gently putting it to the side. She then unfurled her wings, standing nervously at the edge of the roof. Then jumped, quell ibg the urge to scream she flapped harshly, almost ramming into the ground by managed to flutter up, and then ran Into a tree.
Where she layed there for a while, dazed before climbing onto a branch and lifted off again, this time wheeling high into the sky.
Miwa was outside, leaning the school as she read a book, a half completed essay beside her. She also had a few books about Alternia and about all kinds of transportation. To trains to space time paradoxes, she had it.
Miwa trotted down the steps again and nodded,”I-I could h-help you..” She said softly,”D-Do you know how you g-got here?” She started to think, how would a troll get to Earth? On a space ship? Maybe a time-teleportation paradox, those where rather infamous over there.
Miwa took a few steps back, thinking Dova wanted to go up the steps,”U-Um, if I get t-too close to the f-fire..Then i-it’ll hurt me, the h-heat does bother me, b-but I’m use to it..” She shuffled her feet again, and still lacked shoes,”I c-came down here b-because I f-felt your energies s-so close to the fire. I was curious to s-see who c-can withstand s-so much heat..”
(Gosh darn it, Miwa your studder makes it hard to type)
Miwa perked,”Alternia?” She knew that planet,”I-I’ve read about t-that planet from books…Y-You’re a long w-way home, it seems..” She said quietly, and shuffled her feet, trying to ignore the heat. “S-So, you must be a t-troll, yes? I-It would e-explain the grey skin and h-horns..”
Miwa gathered up her books and sensed a strong energy under the school, the forage. She felt a small flicker of living energy underneath all the fire and heat, so she dropped off the books and decided to go inspect it. She trotted down the steps, her foot steps echoing in the large space. She didn’t really like all the heat down there, but she was curious and saw a grey skinned troll, curled up.
Miwa tilted her head and stood at the steps, taking in the dead looking troll, well he was sleeping, but kinda looked dead to her. “U-Um..Excuse me…B-but are you o-okay…?”
Miwa ditched Jerrel and headed for the libary. She padded through the large doors and dissapeared amongst the shelvea. The girl soon found a few alchemy books and a few about earth. She hoped that Godal won’t mind if she sit out side to read.
So she left the llibrary to the soft grass outside. Miwa sat in the grass under some shade and flipped open a book, starting to read.
For a reminder Mai is called Bird, so I’ll refer to her as Bird.
Bird was alone, her tanned face streaked with dirt, her short hair slowly fading back to red. The girl crouched on top of a branch in a tree, her feet nimble as she readied her bow, and aimed up. She took out a pigeon with a swift arrow, climbing down the tree and darted to the fallen bird, picking it up and darted up a tree again. “Just enough for breakfast.” She thought quietly and plucked the bird, keeping the feathers for other arrows she may need to make.
Bird used her knife and gut the bird and scrambled down the tree to burrow the remain of the bird and darted deeper into the small forested area. She gathered small twigs and branches, with dried moss for kindle and stuffed it in her back pack, wrapping the meat in a news paper. She new it’s not the most cleanest thing in the world, but it’ll do. So off she went to the city, dodging zombies and climbed to the top of a abandoned building.
That is where she started a fire, the smoke was faint and barely noticeable, and plopped down to cook her pigeon on the fire, stabbing it through with an bad arrow, which was made of metal and rather steady against fire.
Name: Mai AKA Bird
Age: 17
Looks: Short faded blue hair, It was a bright blue with mixed in greens before the zombie thing, but it’s starting to fade, her hair is really a dark red and very short, a pixie cut. She’s average hight and very fit, with strong arms and legs, she’s built for hunting,climbing and jumping. A blue,green bird tattoo on her arm.
Personality: Sarcastic and rude, she’s kind enough when she warms up to you. She tried to keep peace with people but merciless in a fight. She can’t accept defeat easily unless she truly lost, loyal to her friends. She’s very agile and sticks to higher places, like trees or the top of buildings.
Dislikes: Fish, zombies, pollution, bows
Likes: cats, mythical creatures, high places
Weapon/Specialty (realistic please): Simple bow and arrows, with a short knife for hand to hand combat.
Gender: Female
History (optional): Raised by a father who was in to hunting, he dyed with a gun accident I guess. More to be shown later, her history isn’t to tragic.
Her bow:
Her tattoo:
Oh okay, Miwa followed Jerrel, I can roll with that, though Takra’s in her room now and Bryne left the school, so they where kinda standing with no one around. So she wondered, what was coal? Was it an Earth thing? Coal sounds kinda cool, like it generates power, that’ll be awesome if it did. So she pondered to Jerrel,”U-Um..W-What is coal…?”
Miwa squeaked and shuffled away from her brother, looking frightened, hiding her self partly by Jerrel, he’s a tall dude, well compared to Miwa, ever one’s tall. The small girl eyed her brother warily, he seemed angry, she wondered why he was. Maybe he got in a fight with someone, that seems the most logical thing, or unless he stubbed his toe. That pissed off anyone when then stub their toe, that hurts, that hurts alot. Any ways, Miwa just eyed her brother, being the little shit she was, watching and waiting.