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Miwa blinked,”I-It seems that I-I have to d-do more r-research o-on e-earth..His behaviour i-is remotely h-healthy on our planet, w-while I w-would be called me-mently unstable..” She trailed off softly, thinking,”T-Though I d-do like y-your opinion, i-it’s a good t-thought.”
Miwa blinked,”Overly emotional? Is that d-different here, b-because back h-home, he w-would seem like a r-rather calm p-person.” she said softly,”How does a regular human act upon Earth, if you may explain..?” She was slightly confused, in some way, her culture and Earth’s culture clashed and sometimes they where the same. She shuffled her feet awkwardly, Takra’s jacket ditched on her bed, her wings shown and pressed tightly to her back, the bottom feathers brushing the floor.
Miwa tilted her head,”Emo? I’m sorry b-but could you e-explain what that m-means?” The poor girl was confused and shuttered as her magic started to strain against her skin, trying to get free. Sometimes magic just had a mind of it’s own.
Oh look there’s Jerrel, hi Jerrel.
Miwa peered at him from under the bed for a few moments before wiggling out swiftly, standing up and brushed off some dust from her, then swiped hair from her eyes, shuffling her bare feet. “I am in here, and I think I am all right.” She was soft spoken, still spooked at all the energies she felt explode out and the anger from the other students.
Miwa curled up on her bed, shaking, all the demon energies and shit starting to scare her quiet a bit. The girl decided to take her blanket with her and hide under the bed, cutting of her energies in case one of the demon kids or something came after for her, or someone else. So little Miwa hid, she was rather rood at hiding, seeing the room was silent except for small in and out takes of breath.
She stayed very still and quiet, curled up in a corner of under the bed, where she determined that it was the darkest place.
Miwa has no social skills, like, none at all, only if you count engaging an conversation then scooting away awkwardly, then she has some social skills. However, Miwa just sat in her room, setting the music box on the far corner of the bed, the said thing was a bit to big for her, but everything’s big for her. So the winged Girl curled up under the covered, gloomily staring at the dimness of the room, her head poking out from under the blankets.
Wow okay, Takra just ditched her, real niiiiice. Miwa sighed and sat quietly in her room, used to being just quiet and still. So that’s what she did, she was quiet and still.
Miwa shrugged and sat down on her bed,”I seems that no one else has.” She kicked her small feet, she lacked shoes, maybe she should get some shoes. Na, no shoes for Miwa, shoes are things of demons, demons like Baylet and Lucifer.
Miwa noded and took her brother’s arm, teleporting to her room. She released her brother, looking diagrunted as she sat on her bed. The girl’s dizziness slowly started to leave her.
Miwa knew there was something wrong with her brother, as his energy was doing the funky chicken. The small girl entered the party, the flashing lights making her dizzy and the loud music making her nervous. Though she ventered on to her brother, stumbling over to him, placing her hand on his arm as she almost fell over. Unknown to her, magic was fizzleing under her skin, the magic had more power then she ever put forth, eating at the Fox’s chakra.
Let’s go find Takra, yes good idea. Miwa got up carefully, leaving the music box on her bed, and stood on shaky legs. She tugged at Takra’s coat, which was slipping down her shoulders and ambled out her room, heading for the party to find her brother.
Miwa was just playing around with her music box, content with being left alone. She winded it up again and curled up under the covers, listening.
(This is what I imagine the box plays, minus the voice)
Miwa twirled the key so the music played and sat with the box in her lap. The girl fucking lover the music box, and had no idea how it worked, but a bit to scared to open the top to see. So she left her curiosity alone and listened happily to the music. She tilted her head the slightest, the music was…Familiar?
Miwa nodded and took the box carefully,”I’ll be fine,t-thank you.” She said quietly and set the box in her lap, tracing it curiously. The girl peered at it and poked at the wind up key, unsure what to do so turned it. Then jumped as it started to make music, though sat still and listened quietly, looking at the small box in wonder.
Miwa sat silently in the bed, looking out the window, the girl was a good little shit and just sat there.