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Miwa yelped again and slumped on the floor, shaking, the poor girl was spooked out of her wits. She felt rather weak and light headed, so stayed on the floor, pressing her cheek onto the cool tile floor, trying to make since of what just happened.
Miwa shook her head, feeling even more dizzy as her perspectives shifted on her again, the girl yelped and tumbled over when the green magic latched onto her foot and yanked. Her energy levels dropped dangerously low as the other energy seemed to suck out her magic, Miwa struggled franticly, though the dark green magic kept on with a firm grip.
Miwa nodded to her brother, stuffing her hands in the coat’s pockets, looking tense. something felt off to her, and she didn’t know what, it felt like the earth under her kept shifting and changing. Making everything seem unfamiliar to her, but at the same time, recognizable. The small female could feel her magic stir unpleasantly under her skin, making her feel a bit queasy. From the gym floor, dark tendrils of green, almost black magic seeped through heading for Miwa, who was a bit to dazed to notice.
Miwa smiled slightly,”T-Thank you.” She bowed her head a bit and rocked on her heals before standing on her tippy toes, her hands glowing a gentle green. The green magic whispered out of the glow and floated over to Jerrel’s wounds, healing them neatly, the magic felt warm and like a breeze. Once she finished Miwa leaned back, the glow fading, looking a little worn. “I h-hope t-that’ll do.” She returned her hands to herself, shifting her weight, unsure whether to go heal the other man or stay and talk to Jerrel. “D-Do y-you feel b-better n-now?”
Miwa finally walked into the gym, oh, someone looked beat up. She crept up to Jerrel,”U-Um..M-Mr.J-Jerrel…W-Would you like m-me to heal y-you?”
Miwa was rocking her pants and Takra’s jacket, and trotted down the hall, making her way back to the gym. The girl did keep a wary out for threats, but other then that, she was content to walk.
Woop, since Takra ran off Miwa ventured to Godal’s office to fetch the clothes. The girl took tthem and fled back to her room taking a shirt, it resembled a peasant shirt and she carefully formed a sharp blade of ice, cutting slits into the back. Then quickly changed, relishing in her pants, hell ye, gurl got her some pants.
Miwa glanced at her brother, and gave him a very small smile, offering him another flower crown from her arms. The girl then went back to eyeing the new comer warily, and Baylet. Baylet still creeped her out, a lot, I’m not sorry to say, forgive me Miss.blue hair. The winged female fixed her own flower crown, shifting her weight.
Oh shit, her flower crowns, Miwa kept off to the gym, trying to stay hidden. well at least be stealthy, but it was kinda hard with silverly-white hair and eye that basically glow in the dark. So she did her best to get to her flower crown pile and scooped them up, some of the crowns where reduced to petals and she mourned their lost for like two seconds. Then left the gym, as quickly as she can, sticking in the shadows to wait for Mr.Godal, who is currently preoccupied.
Godal, you never told Miwa to get her clothes, you gotta tell her so she can come, she can’t read her mind. And yes Brother, there goes her confidence, out the window like a bird of steroids. She nodded slowly, glancing around warily, as if expecting and attack, tugging at Takra’s jacket. “I-I’m going t-to a-ask if M-Mr.Godal h-has my clothes y-yet.” The girl looked up at her brother before quickly hurrying away to Godal’s office and saw Baylet and the stranger. The girl shrunk away slightly, eyeing both of them warily, hugging the over sized jacket closer.
Miwa jumped and squeaked, both at the.explosion and the music. “U-Um? W-What is that?” She was confused at the.sound and insticivly scooted.closer to her brother, wings fluffing up under Takra’s jacket.
Miwa took his jacket carefully,”I-I guess s-so…A-And..Actually..I-I don’t f-feel the c-cold..” She said sheepishly, she really doesn’t, there’s a reason her heart beats way to fast, and that her body temperature is way to low to be healthy. She was build for the cold, and totally not build for heat, oh hell no.Anyways, she slipped on the jacket, it indeed, was way to big on her, and brushed her ankles, the sleeves smothering her hands, but at least she looked content in it.
Miwa nodded,”I-It’s fine.” Annnnnd then lost all her confidence, haha, byebye. She shuffled her feet and her wings twitched, her jacket was missing, and about clothes.
GODAL COME ON I NEED PANTS, PLEASE, IT’S BEEN LIKE FOUR DAAAAYS. Please, I need some pants and a shirt, I beg of you. I need some real clothes.
Miwa decided he was being and idiot and shot a small string of magic, and tripped him, though went se fell, if he didn’t catch himself, magic made sure he didn’t smash his head onto the floor. “Get a grip on yourself, your talking about a demon who can be sealed, who is sealed, inside you you, you numbnut. And quoting Jerrel..I think another word would be..fucker?” Heh, curses, let’s start em’ early. “So calm down, take a fucking deep breath and calm down!”
Miwa thought for a few moments, then had an idea,”I know enough about alchemy that I might be able to tweak your seal so that so m-much of the Fox’s energy doesn’t rush into yours? It won’t n-necessarily seal the Fox’s voice, just h-his power until your older and your body h-handle it?” She asked quickly and stood, watching his movements, wan tint to do something but unsure how, other then the seal, magic isn’t a permanent solution, and sometimes it doesn’t really work.