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Miwa stood, ditching her flower crowns and went off looking for her brother, feeling something tug her mind. She curiously poked at it and what ever it was made a flood of new information shoot into her brain, able to sense energies. Though not very well, the energies around her kept flickering and was fuzy, though he could sense Baylet and Jerrel, oh look there Takra. She headed to the general direction of where she sensed her brother before her ‘new’ power broke and made her feel a little dizzy. Though she continued on until she founder her brother,”Brother..?”
Miwa squeaked and flinched.away from Jerrel. She mumbled a quiet apology and popped a blue flower crown on his head before he left. She swung her feet, Mr.Godal, can you hurry up on the clothes, dresses are hard to do shit it.
Miwa nodded stiffly,”I’m alright, thank you for asking.” She said softly, then offered him a flower crown, it was with bright yellow flowers. “Flower crown?” She asked simply, take it Tom, Miwa is starting a fashion trend. Her magic was sparking and trying to lash out from inside of her, but the girl latched onto it tightly, not letting a spark out. Damn it, sometimes magic had a mind of it’s own.
Miwa placed another crow of flowers on her head and sat silently by crowns, the girl’s legs felt shaky. Okay, to much magic at one time, the burn of it seared through her veins and made her vision unfocused at the edges. Though she didn’t show any pain, she was use to holding it in. She stared at her feet, the pain slowly starting to recede.
Miwa tumbled head over heels from the blast, being forced a few feet back. The girl huffed and slowly got up, her jacket tossed to the side and wings messy. She glanced around before walking.over to her flower crown, seeing her.own was destroyed.
Miwa shrunk back from the circle and found a safe place, far away from the fire kid to. Fire bad, Miwa no likey fire, it burn and bad. She eyed the grey skinned troll, she read about these, black roms,red roms, pale roms and all that jazz. That was a pleasant read, by Andrew Hussie, what a fine author he is.
(woops, This is kinda late, sorry!)
Miwa added in a little ice with Jerrel’s wind, just for extra measures, though her power levels where starting to drop, the girl never used so much magic at once. The girl backed off from the alchemy circle, helping out Jerrel and the new kid (hehe troll) by throwing bits of slippery ice on the floor near the bot, in attempts of making it slip. More of the weird mist magic gathered around her feet.
Miwa nodded and pulled her hands back, the mist dissipating and her magic faded from her hands, she looked slightly winded, panting lightly. The girl sat back and drew the water from the melted ice over to her, floating it in a small orb, she concentrated so the orb didn’t break,”I..Got water.”
Miwa nodded and her magic swirled down to the circle and seemed to flow into the lines, making it glow a faint blue. The magic sparked gently and some whirled around like mist, sinking to the floor. The girl kept on gently pumping her magic into the circle until Tom said to stop, though the magic that escaped her flow, shimmered on the floor around her and Tom, like silvery, blue mist.
Miwa nodded and.got ready, light blue magic sparking up at her hands. The magic flicked and wavered, like a dyeing flame, but didn’t go out. The girl waited for Tom to signal her to pump magic into the circle.
Miwa shuffled over to Tom and eyed his alchemy circle warily, then crouched, making sure her dressed stayed modest and watched him. She awaited for his instruction, seeing she had no chalk on her at the moment.
Na man, Miwa wasn’t really fighting, more of hanging out in the back, a bit to nervous to get closer to the dummy. Though the sparks of magic faded from her hands, the ice that knocked the spikes away shattering and melted quickly. The girl was slowly drawing the water over to her self, maybe she can use it in an alchemy circle.
Miwa shrunk back expecting Godal to smack her point blank across the gym. “Mr.Goodall…I don’t mean to be rude…But..Um..I think that your treating us like we’re trying to act ‘special’. From what I have gathered, none if us are trying, your comparing us to other strudents, we’re not them, so if you PLEASE stop comparing us to people who we have no clue who they are.” Her voice was quiet and she turned, hell she wasn’t a teenager yet, the girl noticed the spikes, which where aiming for Tom. She threw her hand out before she even knee what she was doing, ice smashing into to spears, knocking them away.
Okay even Mellow Miwa was looking a bit made at Godal’s words, marching over the flower crown still perched in her hair. “As my brother said, don’t assume what you don’t know! I don’t even know how you git that information, none of told you about it!” Her voice was ang6, but had a childish squeak to it. “0lAlso, my brother doesn’t have to say he loves me. Because I know he does, or I would be dead, and that he’ll would still be living on our home planet! ” Wow, she’s never been this agony and was starting to hypervenalate, pupils diolated. She dress fluttered up a bit to show angry red scars and some still open scratched on her legs before the girl yanked the cloth down, her wings fluffed up.
Hey Miwa can do find things, the girl reached out with her mind and tired proded the dummy, counting it was sloppy and underpowered. Her grip on her mind. slipped and her meal power dissolved. Pretty good fir a 10 year old with a screwed up mind. She didn’t try again, a little bit to unstable tto try again.