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Miwa nodded at Tom’s words,”I-I’ll go f-find her.” She said quietly and left the gym before Baylet started to yell. She was on a quest to find the other female, who might be in her room, but she didn’t know exactly.
Pretty strong? miwa was a ten year old girl, how did she look strong? Yeah, she didn’t know but nodded again, though when he walked away she shuffled over to Tom. She kinda knew him, so she’ll just go over to him. “Hi.” She said awkwardly, well, wasn’t she sociable.
Miwa eyed Ash distrustfully and nodded slightly to his words, not speaking a word. The girl scooted a little away from him, she wasn’t trying to be rude, but she just had a problem being around other people. Seeing she spent most of her life in isolation, it would acceptable for her to be a little wary of strangers, well a little more then warily but you understand the point.
Miwa looked like she wanted to go after her brother but stayed put, huddling in on herself, glancing around warily. Her wings where pressed painfully tight to her back so they weren’t seen very clearly, even if a few feathers poked out from the bottom of the jacket. The girl tugged at her jacket again, scooting off to the side and into the shadows of the gym in a meek attempt to hide.
Miwa decided not to comment on her brother’s words, seeing they where remotely true, he doesn’t RECALL he did it, but he did, when he got out of control and knocked her out by tossing her in a wall. She shuffled her feet awkwardly, looking uncomfortable, then spoke up quietly, but her words where so soft to hear. The girl shook her head and tugged at her jacket, the over sized sleeves covering her hands
Miwa didn’t budge from her spot from behind her brother, eyes on the floor.
Miwa walked after her brother, listening to him as she stood a little behind him,shuffling nervously. She agreed with his words, Baylet and her brother despised each other, and honestly, to her, it might not make the best of teams. Even with Jerrel to sooth them over, to Miwa, he was more like,’stop it you two, and do it later’ instead of taking care of the problem as a whole. Which of course, wasn’t a bad thing, not at all, it wasn’t just an effective way to solve the problem.
(I sounded a bit mean about Jerrel, forgive me >0< )
Miwa shifted her weight nervously when he spoke,”I..Um..Dragged you out the gym…” She felt touched by his wounds, feeling she should hug him, but didn’t her brother wasn’t a touchy feely type of person. The girl smiled slightly and nodded, though frowned,”I’ll be okay..I think with my own team..I understand that you want to stay with me..But ditching Jerrel and Miss.Baylet might not be the best way to go. How about asking a member of my team or your team if they want to switch out?”
Miwa squeaked, tumbling to the side, scrambling back when the demon took over her brother. Then hesitantly creeped over to him, glancing at Godal fearfully and snagged her brother, dragging him as she fled the gym. She did NOT want to deal with Mr.Godal’s wrath, so she did the other option, the option of get the heck outta there. She was struggling a bit, seeing her brother was much larger then her, and much heavier.
Seeing Miwa was sitting right by her brother when he got slapped, like slapped, she promptly freaked out. Even though she was pretty scared, when Godal dropped her brother for the last time, she zipped over, standing over him protectively, though cowered against Godal’s tall form. Magic sparked up at her hands, ice creeping up from around her feet, forming sharp, but small spikes. “I-If y-your t-teaching…Involves with disciplining your s-students w-with you just d-did to my brother..I-I would think t-that’s not very g-good teaching..” She said quietly, her voice laced with fear. Mr.Godal was exactly acting like her father, but with less curses and less blood.
Miwa flinched at her brother’s anger, mumbling her input,”I though Jerrel, my brother and I where a team..” She trailed off, playing with her fingers. She honestly though they would be a good team, seeing Takra liked Jerrel, kinda, Miwa liked Jerrel, hopefully Jerrel likes them both kinda back. Plus, they made up each other’s weaknesses, but that was just Miwa’s way of thought.
Miwa was nervous sharing a room with Jerrel, but nodded any ways to Mr.Godal’s words. She didn’t really have any questions, oh wait, one just came, and she spoke out, her voice nervous,”U-Um, i-in case y-you forgot…M-My brother and I-I still need new c-clothes..”
Miwa finished healing her hands and trotted after the brother. The girl stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets, her eyes on the floor as she walked. Once they made it to the gym, he found and empty spot on the bleachers and.claimed it as her own.
Miwa slowly calmed her self down, shaking her hands, trying to cool them off. “Um..T-The b-book…Just burned m-me?” She mostly asked herself that question, why the heck would the book burn her? She peered at the pages warily, her hands glowing a weak green as she attempted to heal herself.
Just reading her book, maybe the book should be cursed and burned her hands. That seems like a good idea as Miwa let out a shriek of pain, dropping the book, the edges of her fingers burned. The book was smoking slightly as Miwa whimpered in pain, scooting back from the book ,her eyes wide and frightened.