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Miwa tilted her head slightly when he left. Then shrugged, going back to her book, trying to unscramble the codes it had in it in her head. She lied it on the table, staring at it intently, to others it might look like gibberish, and it a small bit of sense to Miwa. Who was slowly unravelling how to figure alchemy all out.
Miwa looked up, then shrugged,”It’s about the basics of alchemy. It seems that most everyone here has magic.” She shrugged again,”THe basics of alchemy, as I’m still trying to get the hang of it.”
Seeing Tom zoned out, she went back to her book. It was rather interesting, alchemy, something she learned a little back home, but seeing the book got taken away from her, she didn’t know much. But she did know the basic lay out on how to create a alchemy circle, so that’s something, right?
The girl looked at her brother for a few moments then felt something shift in the air. She looked around confused, What was that…?” -
Miwa blinked, “I’m Miwa,” She pointed at her brother,”And my brother Takra, you need like a pleasant person, so maybe we will become friends.” She looked away when he shed the tear, turning back to him, swinging her feet in the chair.
Miwa looked up at the hello, her gaze swinging to Tom, and gave him a small smile,”Hello.” She greeted back, dipping her head slightly.
Miwa bounced down the steps and followed her brother, her eyes on the ground, not bothering to glance at Baylet or anyone else for the matter. She brightened slightly when she saw they where in the library and took a random book off the shelf, sitting down next to her brother and started to read.
Shoot mobile squiggly should be saying*))))))))))
Miwa looked down at Baylet, her voice quiet, “Miss. Baylet, are you squiggly I can’t defend myself? Because if you are, your probably correct. But I will never call you, no one fights former. And as my brother said, your words or, ‘swear’ is just empty words for me.” She said truthfully, playing wig her hands. Her brother will defendantly not like Baylet’s words, that she knew.
Miwa looked like she wanted to join her brother up there but refrained her self. Then poof, she was gone, a few moments appearing by her brother, looking a bit queasy. Then looked around confused, “I was just down there…Did I teleport?” She never teleported before, new experience for Miss.Albino.
Miwa squeaked,”Oh gosh-Um-Guys..Please don’t fight um..” She trailed off, not knowing what to say. Damn it, why did these things have to always start.
Miwa scooted away when she approached her with her bleeding wrist,”Oh-Uh-Miis.Baylet, that probably wasn’t a wise choice to do..” She said softly, even so, it was just a oath, empty words probably. She kinda scooted over to her, creeped out by her kneeling and cutting herself willingly.
Miwa shook her head, hell no, she wasn’t that frightened, she wouldn’t run…Unless it calls the need for it. She felt rather touched by her brothers words, mumbling out shyly,”I love you too Brother.” Aw, such a touching moment. SOON TO BE CRUSHED THE THE FISTS OF HELL HUEHUEHUEHUEHU.
Miwa shook her head franticly,”Nononono, no I mean-Um,-Gah-Please don’t fight..” She trailed off meekly, glancing at her brother. He’s sure going to be pissed with that off hand comment.
Miwa smoothed down her dress,”Oh, no, that was my fault, kinda..Erm-ah, I’m fine, you just scared me. I’m still not use to you popping up randomly, much less with orange hair and red eyes. Which, I might have to say, was a rather good look on you.”
Miwa jumped at his sudden appearance, almost falling off the bleachers and squeaked. She thinks that he’s trying to make it a game seeing how many times he can scare her and oh look, wardrobe change. Orange hair and red eyes, look he matched Miwa, well they where related. Fuck, stop rambling, she eyed him warily, scooted a bit away from him as she could feel the heat of his power coming off in waves from him.