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Miwa looked rather uncomfortable,”A brother who I barely know.” She said quietly,”It’s your choice what to do, no matter on what I say, you’ll have to choose something.”
Miwa blinked,”U-Um, my incite wouldn’t be best to seek Miss.Baylet..” She tried to scoot out of site, yes, shadows where good friends of Miwa. She was good, no talking to the albino girl, no talky, she no talky to you. Damn it, stop going weird in the head at the most odd of moments, shit, come on, pull your self together girl.
Miwa eyed Ash warily, though he seemed like a fine fellow. She shrugged,”I’m sure your welcome to join, we’re currently an unorganized mess right now so..” She trailed off with another shrug.
Miwa watched her brother go and sighed to herself. Though look Godal’s information to heart, seeing she was very strong yet, just very fast, unlike her brother and Jerrel, who had a bit of power Behind their punch. She sat down on the bleachers again, frowing down at her dress, she really needed some pants. With a shirt paired with it, a dress was kinda hard to fight in.
Ah, so it was Jerrel’s punch that drawer.Baylet here. Well Miwa decided to excuse herself from the conversation and sat down on the bleachers. She tugged at her jacket cuffs, sitting down neatly, back straight.
Miwa watched Jerrel and the other girl talk, looking at Baylet as she rushed in. “..Um? ..Nothing has blown up in here?” She said confused, shifting her weight side to side. She was mildly confused, Baylet heard an explosion? There’s been no explosion up to her knowledge.
Miwa jumped when Adrastea burst into the gym, giving her a wide eyed look. “As Mr.Jerrel said…We are having a team exercise? Though I’m not very sure what classifies as that..Seeing we’re not doing anything really..” She scooted away from her a bit,”Um..So..Yeah..”
Miwa winched at the needles and blades part, shivering slightly,ah..Bad memories, she pushed the away the best she could, with all the other ones she’s collected in the short period of time called her life. Then scooted a bit away from the plasma ball, looking down at her feet, then back up,”I try to suppress it, but it doesn’t really..’Like’ that, I mean it forces it’s way out. And it hurts when it does that, it hurts a lot.” The girl said quietly, lifting her hand up, a milky silver swirling up at her hand and she looked at it curiously before it faded. “I don’t even know what they can do, except make ice and heal.”
Miwa did up giving him a look and huffed,”That not my fault. I can’t help it at times.” Then hrugged again,”I can heal minor wounds, I know, but I can fight better then heal. Still, I can get better at healing and fighting over time. But to warn, I don’t have a lot of control of my powers, they seem to have a mind of it’s own at times.” She sighed, slipping her jacket back on, shoving her hands in it’s pockets.
Miwa blinked,”I heard of the Avengers, yeah..I read it somewhere..It’s a comic and a movie..Hawkeye..Erm..Blackwidow, Bruce Banner… Thor..And Tony Stark?” She shrugged,”I also agree with Mr.Jerrel, what do we have to do to be a squad? Usually they have two fighters and a healer correct? Or two fighters and a fighter/healer mix..Correct?”
Miwa blinked,”The cold never bothered me, in an odd way of saying it. I got stuck in a room just full of ice for a few hours and I wasn’t even cold.” She shrugged, her voice quiet and she started to fumble with her fingers. “But I’ll keep that in mind, thank you Mr.Jerrel.”
“Ah.” Miwa understood now, seems like a rather depressing story, though she thought the Icarus was a tad bit on the idiotic side, listen to your fathers, well only if they treat you well. She blinked,”I not very sure how high I can fly, I never really went pass the roof of the school.” She shifted her grip on her jacket, nodding to her self, then looked at Godal, waiting for his word of the matter.
Miwa jumped slightly at her brother’s voice, glancing at him,”That and we’re also inside…” She scooted over to him, dropping her voice,”Erm, do you have any idea who Icarus is..?” The girl gave Godal a wary glance, scooting a bit more, her wings twiching and her grip tightened on her jacket.
“Icarus..Erm, I’m not sure who that is..and we are inside..I don’t think this’ll be the best idea..Flying in an enclosed space…” Miwa said softly, slowly tugging off her jacket, then folded it. Waiting for Godal to answer her before she attempted for the first time flying inside.
Miwa shrugged, great advice, telling a shy person not to be shy, fantastic advice right there. She tugged at her jacket, pulling it more over her wings as it was starting to slip down,”The last thing, seeing you have no wings, I won’t take it, I’m sorry to say. I figured out to fly already and it’s nothing like..Punching air with my wings..?” Her voice was quiet and she drew back from Godal a bit, expecting anger.