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Miwa looked up at Godal then stood up silently, she slipped into a well practised defensive stance and FUCKING punched. Her small arm packing quiet a bit of force, she didn’t use her powers to fuel her punch. The girl’s punch wasn’t as strong as her brothers nor as strong as Jerrel’s, but still, for a ten year old girl, she has quiet a bit of force in her.
Though, suddenly Miwa slipped under his arm and kicked him in the groin area, as hard as she could, then hopped back, her eyes sparking with anger. “I may not be as strong as my brother or Jerrel, or I may look like a child. Though, I am no a child, so please don’t treat me like one.”
Miwa watched her brother go, and sighed, shrinking back from Godal,”I-I think you just made it worse. We’ve only been together for a few days now.” She said quietly, scooting back to sit on the bleachers, looking rather glum. The girl sat in the shadows, white hair gleaming slightly, she fisted her hands in her lap. She looked down stiffly, her body tense as she sat.
She lifted her hands and covered her ears, watching Jerral, then dropped her hands once he finished. She scanned the wreckage silently, then looking back down at her lap.
Miwa flinched, the white flickering away,”S-Sorry.” She said just as quietly as before,”I think I understand what you mean.” She spoke up, looking up at Godal, her voice surprisingly strong,”What you said was uncalled for Mr.Godal, I ask you to apologize to my brother.”
Miwa blinked and shook her head of her thoughts, bounding over to Takra nimbly. She grabbed his arm, white energy sparking on her hand and she placed it on his shoulder gently. The girl said quietly,”Don’t let him talk you into rage, your stronger then that.”
Miwa was confused,”..Bad ass..?” She looked confused, she didn’t know slang very well. “Bad…Donkey..? I’m confused…What?”
Miwa blinked from her spot at the bleachers, when Godal get here? She shrugged, Miwa didn’t know how strong she was, but the girl knew she was faster then she was stronger. She stood and hopped down the bleachers, landing on the floor and waited.
Miwa joined Jerrel up in the bleachers, jumping from her spot by the door and onto the seats in a nimble leap. She landed beside Jerrel lightly,”I’m not sure, and..I’m not sure.” Her voice was questioning as she looked around. “Maybe he’s still in his office?”
Miwa glanced at her brother at the growl, playing with her hands and rocked on her heels as she stood. She waited for Mr.Godal to show up, waving at Jerrel shyly.
Miwa jumped,”We where suppose to go to the gym? Well we better go.” She stood and left the room, hoping Takra would follow, walking down the hall ways. She made it to the gym quickly enough, her bare feet making quiet thumps on the tile floor of the gym. She looked around, Mt.Godal said go to the gym..But where is he?
Miwa nodded glumly,”I remember, but I was hoping I got it wrong.” She said meekly and looked out the window again.
Miwa nodded slightly,”But kinda in a sense we arne’t, we’re in a school full with people with the craziest of powers and such as that.” The girl hummed quietly,”It would be nice to go see the world, but I think we have to live before we do. Not just survive, like we did before, well how I did, I’m not too sure about you.”
Miwa sat down beside her brother, easily tucking her feet under her self, in a respectful way of sitting, seeing she had a dress on. “If you wish to me to stay, I’m fine with that. Though I hope Mr.Godal can get us some new clothes, sometimes a dress is a bit of hassle.” She pushed her hair away from her eyes, “I think I’ve been hid away for most of my life though, I would like to see what’s it’s light in the ‘outside world.’ If that’s okay with you.” Her voice was almost wistful and she glanced out the window, going out side today must of been the first time she had in a couple of years. “The sun in this planet feels rather nice on the skin, if I can say.”
Miwa nodded and smiled slightly back, then sheepishly rubbed her arms,”I should go apologize to the others for running off..” She sighed,”I thought I would be over the touching by now, but I guess I was wrong.” Her voice was quiet and she shrugged, trying to gain a happy look,”Atleast we made friends…I think.”
Miwa nodded, tugging her jacket,”I guess so then. Are you okay now though?” She asked, scanning her brother, gaining a worried glint in her eyes.
Miwa nodded and removed her hand,”I would understand. Unfamiliar planet and energies must make him rather ruffled.” The girl removed her hand,”I wasn’t sure if that would work, as the last time I tried it, it just made the demon angrier.” She sighed and sat back,”Forgive me for that freak out..I just reacted and it wasn’t very mature of me.” Her voice was abashed as she spoke.