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Miwa placed a gentle hand on her brother’s arm, in an attempt to calm him down. “It’s okay Miss.Baylet..” She fell silent, patting Takra’s arm meekly.
Miwa looked a little happier at her brother’s words, who know Takra had a soft side, hehe. Miwa shifted her weight and also looked a little unsure but determined. “It’s fine if she doesn’t like me..Really…But I really not an angel, take my word for it..No matter how small it may be..” She said quietly and twiddled her fingers.
Ugh stupid mobile that Miss.Hayley is supposed to be Miss.Baylet)))))
Miwa trotted after Jerrel, once they reached Baylet she hung back a bit. Unsure if she should get closer and blinked,look at that face? What was that supposed to mean..? The girl shrugged it off,”Mr.Jerrel is right, I’m not an angel Miss.Hayley, far from it.” She shifted her weight ,”And I find no enjoyment in killing.” Her voice was quiet and she looked down at her feet, tugging at her jacket.
Miwa shrugged,”I think she thought I was an angel, not a demon.” The girl sighed, fittling with her fingers,”I guess so, there’s no use on not trying.” She looked up at Jerrel before back down, removing her jacket and walked to the edge off the roof, looking back at Jerrel again. Then shrugged, stepping off the roof, unfolding her wings easily and landed safely on the ground. Where she folded her wings and shoved herself back in her jacket, waiting for Jerrel.
Miwa blinked and nodded,”Sounds reasonable. Seeing a person you size, no offence meant Mr.Jerrel, I would think it takes quiet a bit of force to get up here. So applaud for that.” She said simply and smiled a little, rocking on her heels and stopped tugging at her jacket. Unsure what to say or do now, damn, this girl needed some social skills.
(To say Miwa is very pale.Huehuehue)
Miwa shrugged slightly and sighed, “If you say so.” Her voice was weak and she shoved her hands in her coat pockets. The girl really wanted to move of to a different topic, so she did. “If I may ask, did you fly up here? Seeing the roof is pretty far up.”
Miwa nodded, shifting her weight,”I see, but I don’t think saying that I’m not an angel will desire her. I may have wings…But I’m not an angel if anything a demon you could sat.” Her voice was quiet and she sighed. The girl looked up at Jerrel, tugging at her jacket. “And you won’t bother me Mr.Jerrel, I enjoy your company. ” She said almost shyly.
Miwa jumped and squeaked, pulling her legs down. “O-Oh um yes, I’m fine..?” She stood up and brushed herself off. The girl looked up at Jerrel,”Is there a reason why I shouldn’t be?”
Miwa stayed on the roof, finding a shaft spot and sat there. Leaning back and.closed her eyes, she read that meditation was a good way to calm down. So she tried that, tilting her head up at the.sky and breathed deeply.
Miwa huddled herself on the roof, glancing down just as Baylet gave her a sharp look. The girl flinched back, scooting out of sight, tugging at her jacket nervously. Great, now Baylet didn’t like her, she hasn’t done anything yet! She just sighed and pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on them. Watching the forest again, her eyes now carrying a wary look.
Miwa lowered her gaze and nodded, walking away form her brother. She took off her jacket and launched herself up, slightly shaky, but still flying up and landed on the roof of the school. Then closed her wings and put her jacket back on, sitting down silently. Watching the forest with blood coloured eyes, that carried a slight haunted look.
Miwa eventually landed beside Takra again, stumbling slightly, though wore a small grin. “I think my wings are the only thing that was even moderately good from the people who took me.” The girl shuddered slightly at the memories, and walked over to her jacket, as it was folded at a base of a tree, picking it up and slipped it on. Then looked at her brother,”Is there anything else you wish to do?”
Miwa landed not to far away from them, though didn’t notice the two and sprinted her way back to the tree she jumped off. The girl made it to the rather tall plant and scaled it again, going a bit higher in the tree. Then jumped up again, flaring her wings and blocked out the sun for a moment from anyone watching down below. The girl climbed as high as she dared and levelled out, riding on gently air currents, circling around the school.
They reached a small clearing and Miwa scrambled up a tree again. She got to a pretty high branch and spread her wings, thinking of a way to make the process much easier. The girl gained an idea, instead of jumping off the branch and going down, maybe I can try jumping up? She thought and did just that, flapping her wings harshly, maybe a bit to harshly and zipped up a good 10 feet before she realized how fast she was going.
Miwa fumbled in the air, flapping her wings jerkily and maintained a rather shaky hover. But she did it! She was flying! Now, how the hell do you land? She didn’t want to risk just closing her wings and dropping. So she flapped hard again, zooming forward and tilted a bit to the right, doing a slow bank to the right. Then angled her wings down, slowly starting to descend, with a small grin.