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Miwa nodded and walked after her brother, she did glance the way Jerrel we but turned back to Takra. The girl swung her arms and sped up to catch up with the other Uchiha.
Miwa shrugged,”I guess..”She said, her voice quiet, shifting her weight. The girl looked at her feet, then back up at Jerrel and Mr.Godal.
Miwa flinched slightly at his angry tone,”U-Um, it could of been an accident Brother..You don’t have no get so angry about it..” She said quietly, pulling her wings close to her self, wishing she had her jacket. The girl eyes Jerrel and Godal, scooting a bit away from Takra.
Miwa fluffed out her wings as the rain drizzled down on her and Takra. Then heard voices, she glanced at her brother then started to make her way to the sound. The bushes near Godal and Jerrel rattled quietly before Miwa appeared, parting through the leaves. The girl blinked at the two males, then looked behind her to see if Takra followed her.
Miwa jumped at the loud boom, losing her focus and tumbled to the ground. The girl sprang up again, her eyes wide. “Is that smoke?” She asked, looking up at the dark gas. “O-oh my, we should inform Mr.Vidal..” She turned to her brother and folded her wings.
Miwa nodded and ran back to the school, quickly getting her way to the balcony again. She spread her wings and jumped off again, managing to avoid the trees. which almost made her hit the school, but she managed to climb vertically up, then right, slowly gliding down. “I think, I’m understanding how to do this..”
Miwa slid out the tree and landed beside Takra with a quiet thump,”Yeah, I’m fine. Can I try that again?” she looked up at her brother hopefully.
Miwa nodded and set her jacket down, then flung her self off the railing. She tipped head first and flapped her wings harshly, slowly raising up again. The spread her wings out fully, tilting them so she swoops her, but ran face first in a tree. Sliding down on a branch, and rubbed her forehead,”Owch.”
Miwa glanced at her brother, then back down,”I have a good chance of injuring myself, but not to the extreme that I’ll die.” She shrugged,”I’m going to try it any ways, so it might be best if you where here. Just in case, as I mean, it’s better to do it and fail then not do it at all.” The girl scampered onto of the balcony railing, keeping her balance easily, and spread her wings slowly, trying to get use of their feel.
Miwa looked off to the side when her brother didn’t respond. “I might as well teach my self how to use these things..” She muttered to herself and slipped off her jacket and walked over to the railing of the balcony, looking down. It’s a rather far drop, if I fall straight down, I have a good chance of hurting myself…I’ve dealt with worse I guess..
Miwa thought about it for a few moments,”..I can survive with them being shown.” She shifted her weight then balanced it out, forcing herself to be still.
Miwa nodded, “I understand.” She voiced and played with her jacket for a few more moments then slipped it on. “If NY wings get any bigger, I don’t think my jacket will fit over them..”
Miwa nodded,”Yeah, everything is fine.” She said quietly. The girl shifted her weight,”It took me quiet amount of time to find you though.”
Miwa blinked as she spotted Jerrel from the roof, or at least it looked like Bertelsmann. The girl shrugged to her self and climbed down, resuming her search of Takra.
After God knows how long, she found him on the balcony and quietly walked over. Standing beside him, but a little bit behind him, playing with her jacket that’s in her arms.
Miwa was still wandering the halls, and some how found herself on the roof the school. The girl looked around and decided to stay up there, walking over to the edge of the platform on the roof, sitting down. Her wings riffled slightly with the breeze, and looked up watching the stormy looking clouds.