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Miwa Uchiha, the principal of this fine school pushed open the doors of the castle and proped them open so the new students could get in. The castle was welcoming and brightly lit, though had an early sense about it that one should keep on their toes.
A well stocked library, two stories of shelves,Miwa did love her books. The mess hall, with a buffet table for food, which was kept well stocked by her kitchen staff. Rooms for the kids to stay, all varying sizes and qualities, from huge to tiny. And many empty rooms full of surprises as more books, extra class rooms with more class rooms, training rooms, the armory, forage (You never know) and crafting place. For pottery, weaving and other such like that. Some children may have hobbies and Miwa was prepared.
She awaited for the rest of her staff and the students, though was excited to see her brother again, even if she thought he was a bit loopy in the head.
Name: Miwa Uchiha
Status: Prinicple
Classes or what you teach: She teaches Alchemy, Battle tactics, Survival 202; advanced survival in a magical area, Assassination (She must choose you to be in this class.)
Name: Miwa Uchiha
Age: She looks like she’s in the peak of her age, though her kind lives longer then human and age slower.
Powers: Magic (Her own kind and it branches into different types. Healing,elemental,summoning,ect.), advanced alchemy (Based off Fullmetal Alchemist), if you count this as a power, she’s extremely intelligent (Formulating plans, she soaks up information and processes it quickly.), Her blood is toxic and adds like acid to anything else that’s not Miwa’s human body. (Look to History for more information.)
Orientation: Neutral
Looks: Miwa has longish silver-y white hair and crimson eyes, pale but healthy looking skin, a very fain scar on her left eye, slicing though her eye brow and to her cheek own. She’s tall and lean, build for speed and long battles, her species are a very pro-fighting one, so it does make sense. She has huge, jet black wings, spanning atleast fifteen feet each wing, thirty one feet with both spread. They might be large but Miwa can fly in tight spaces, using her agility and cleverness to work it out.
Other: She’s old friends with a few teachers, even though a few are older then her
Family: She has a brother named Takra, who works at the school. Another brother but we don;t talk about him. Her father Turken (dead) and never knew her mother (dead).
History: At the age of ten she was token from her home and experimented on until returned to her family. That severely traumatized her at a young age, her wings where a gift from the lab, she wasn’t born with them. Before that she was considered unnatural in her planet’s society, white hair and red eyes are not accepted. Even more being the daughter of the King of an Empire, she was shut away in her room with books and guards at her door. Skip to after the lab and was sent to death by her father though her brother,Takra halted that, destroying the planet when a demon inside of him was unleashed.
Miwa then teleported herself and Takra to earth, where they met Godal, a principle for a school and took them in. Though after a while the school crumbled and Godal interested Miwa to start up another school in his name. So Miwa did and here we are now.
Her blood: Her blood is toxic due to the lab she was sent to. Though a year might not be long, she was experimented with twenty four/seven and left with no rest. Due to chemicals they tested to see which would have the most effect on a body, it caused a lingering trace which clumped together and made her blood toxic. Due to her species, her body adapted to the acidic blood, though with a wound, her blood is known to earth through solid stone and metal.
The lab: Miwa’s body was put to the test in more then one way. Her mind barley held the strain and she barely escaped sane, though she suffered through it. She was ‘gifted’ wings, I’ll leave out the details, and don’t ask Takra for them, he might just kill you. Though she learned a lot from it, she gained an extremely high pain tolerance and though it, she watched how she was tested on and learned. You’ll find out more, all you need to do is ask, I’ll be happy to share.
She glanced at her brother and nodded to herself before poking the cat gently. “You felt different the other kitties, can you talk or so.thing like that.”Fuso lifted a law and gave it a lick,’Of course I can talk, just though minds though. I owe you for saving me so thank you.’
Miwa giggled the scratched Fuso’s ears,”You’re welcome, do you mind if I call you Fuso?”
‘Not at all, what’s your name?’
“I’m Miwa Uchiha,” she pointed to her brother,”That’s Takra, my older brother.”
Fuso purred and jumped into her lap,”Great, I think we’ll be good friends Miwa.”
She happily followed her brother, kitten, well what Miwa thought was a kitten. The cat was actully a teenager and half grown, so Miwa almost had a struggle holding the cat. Once they made it back tl school she hurried off the to kitchens to find somthing her new familiar could eat.
The girl found some chicken and cream for the cat. Which has been named Fuso, who accepted the chicken and cream with no fuss.
Once the cat finished his meal Miwa took him up to her shared room and dissapeared I to the bathroom. She ran the water until it was warm and found a wash cloth. She scrubbed the cloth with a bar of soap and some water before starting to gently wash the cat’s fur. Who didn’t mind and enjoyed being pampered though hissed when Miwa touched a wound.Around half an hour would pass before Miwa exited the bathroom and entered the room. Fuso was dry, clean and most importantly to Miwa, soft. The girl set him on her bed and sat, focusing until green magic swirled around her palms and reached for Fuso’s wounds, healing them. Miwa grinned at her magic work and decided to relax and pet her new pet.
Shw wandered across the town, noticing a small spike of darker energy then the rest. Miwa followed the trace to a dirty ally and pushed aside rotting boxes to find a kitten in bad health. She cooed softly to the baby cat and jerked her hand back when the cat gave a swipe to her hand.She crouched and held out a hand to the kitten and let him sniff it. Miwa gently touched his ears before gently scooping up the thin and ratty kitten before standing. The girl returned to her brother, cradling the small feline carefully.”He feel different, his energies are darker and more powerful…His name will be Fuso. Now time to go back to school?”
He nodded, and seemed to be bored all ready of the game, but Haru just had a short attention span. “Go on ahead~!”
She led her brother to a large town and seemed nervous and backed up to be behind her brother, her voice small,”All the energies are so bright, is this normal?”
She exited the castle then had no idea where the town was so she squinted a bit and focused. The girl located a large mass of energy and nodded to herself, going that way. -
He rolled the dice and got a two and one so he moved his little ship three spaces and bought what ever he landed on.
“All righty~!” -
She squealed and bounced, “Thank you Mr.Godal!” She bounced out to her brother,”Mr.Godal said we could get a cat, but it can’t be normal!” She was extreamly excited. -
“The orange are property cards…The green I’m not sure. But the red houses make the price of your property go up and the green ones are hotels, they makenthe price go up too.” (Haru may of switched that around) -
Haru giggled,”I can teach you real fast Mr.Ludwig! You just roll the dice to move and every time you land you can buy a property. When peiple land on your property they give you money and it’s oposite when you land on othera. Simple enough~!” -
Haru grinned and waggles his finger summoning some playful sparkes,”I do know magic though I prefer alchemy much more.” He gigled and swung his feet inhis chair. “I have no idea wat we can do with a diamond but if tou want too~”Miwa:
She bounced into he office, “May my brother and I go to town and go get a cat please?” Miwa doing doing herbest to be polite. -
“Oh that little kid with white hair ans cute little wings has magic! Though she hasn’t harrnessed much of it yet.”
Haru giggled when he spoke to Mars. “No worries though!” -
He picked up the boat and grinned, setting his own money in a neat pile near himself.Miwa:
Miwa lead her brother to Godal’s office and dropped his hand to knock on the door. She happily waited and bounced on her heels.