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Miwa looked down,”On our planet, everyone was a warrior, even my brother. Though I wasn’t ..My…Colouring was considered freakish and I was kept under lock and key. Do they do that on earth?” She asked curiously. “And..For your other question..I rather not say why.”
Miwa trailed after him quietly,”I’m from a different planet actually. It was called Planet Vegeta and our culture if very different from here..”
Miwa nodded,”I always am. I’ll be with Mr.Jerrel if you need me.” She said quietly before walking over to Jerrel, waiting him to walk so she can follow him.
Miwa glanced at her brother for confirmation to go with Jerrel. Though she slid off the bed slowly, rather skittish at the moment, looking at Takra then Jerrel.
Miwa just watched her brother warily, ready to get the heck outta there if he exploded again. Her wings twitched slightly under her jacket and the girl tugged at it to cover the black feathers.
Miwa flinched, scooting back slightly on the bed to get away from her brother, she didn’t enjoy when he got mad. It made him be a prick and try to kill the thing that pissed him off, at least that’s what she thought. The girl gave her brother a wary look and glanced at Jerrel then shook her head silently at Adrastea.
Miwa blinked and hopped up on the bed, sitting beside her brother. She didn’t speak a word as she looked down at her feet. The girl kicked them slightly as they dangled off the bed, her dress swishing around her ankles.
Miwa shrunk back behind her brother, tugging her jacket closer to her self nervously. The girl nodded slightly to her brother’s words, but stayed silent.
Miwa flinched and tugged at her jacket, slipping it all the way on, her wings hiding fully from view. She poked her head from beind her brother, looking at the door warily.
Miwa shrugged and glanced at the door nervously, scooting a bit away from it.
Miwa shrugged slightly,”I’ve never really tried..” She said quietly, tugging her jacket nervously.
Miwa nodded,”Ah. It doesn’t sound very pleasant.” She said quietly, rocking on her heels slightly,”Um…So, did you at least have some fun during the game?” The girl caught the jacket,”Thank you Brother.” And swiftly putting it on, hiding her wings once more.
Miwa blinked,”…What’s a hang over?” She asked confused.
Miwa looked at her brother and frowned slightly,”Are you sure? We can find Mr.Godal to ask if he can somehow find a way to heal you?”
Miwa looked at Jerral with a confused look,”U-Um, I’m not sure what you mean by,’you can down’..?”The girl said in a confused matter, her wings twitching as she glanced at her brother then at Jerrel, playing with her fingers nervously.