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Miwa nodded and finished collecting the feathers, hopping of the bed, landing lightly on the floor. She looked him over warily,”Are you okay? Did you burn your self?” She asked quietly, shifting her weight.
Miwa didn’t notice her brother and shrugged slightly,”I’ve been through worse…They’re just a bit bruised, and heal in their own time.” The small girl swung her feet off the bed, her feathers seem messy and she picked the feathers that fell from the wings up from the bed.
Miwa breathed out a relaxed breath and sat up slowly,”I’m awake, thank you Mr.Jerral. Sorry for erm…Getting feathers on you bed.” She tightened her wings to be pinned against her back, winching as she moved them. As they where still pretty beat up, seeing they are what caught most of the attack force, seeing they slammed into the wall.
Miwa stirred slightly in the bed she was resting him, letting out a quiet, pained groan before her eyes flickered open. The girl almost panicked as she woke up in the unfamiliar place, but knew it couldn’t help, so she froze, trying to give the appearance that she was still sleeping until the girl figured out where she way.
Miwa yelped and slammed into the wall, then slid down, landing in a feathery heap, the force of the blast knocking the small girl out.
Miwa didn’t really know what to do so she tried again, the tendrils down a bright white, and they held up to his power for a while, through the girl struggled to keep them in place.
Miwa yelped, her wings flaring, dark and huge and she flapped them crazily to keep her balance. She hissed at the red energy burned her and lashed out her hand, blue tendrils of something wrapping around her brother and started to force down his energy. “Takra. Calm. Down.” Her usually soft voice was dangerous.
Miwa scooted over to Brother.”Takra..Calm down..” She said quietly, her wings twitching. The girl stood next to him nervously, playing with her fingers. “You’ll gain nothing from this, remember what you did back home?”
Miwa jumped at the sudden action, tossing her ball by accident and bonked WRAITH lightly on the side of the head. The girl flinched as her brother seemed to freak out, her wings pressing close to her back, her eyes wide.
Annnd they where now throwing balls…At her brother, well that’s just grand. The girl didn’t really know what to do so she just threw a ball in a random direction,”Did this just turn into everyone vs everyone?”
Miwa gave her brother an odd glance and WRAITH a wary one, before turning back to the game. The girl got ready to doge and catch, because at the moment, no one was throwing any balls.
Miwa dodged a ball as it whizzed past her, tossing at ball at Umbra, it going rather fast for someone her size. The girl caught a random ball easily and chucked it back to the other side.
Miwa shrugged and chucked a ball at who ever was not on her team, neatly step siding any balls that came her way.
Miwa shifted her weight,”Erm, so who will decide the teams?” She asked a little bit louder then her regular soft tone, her wings twitching.
Miwa kinda stood there, insure what to do. The lab had something similar to this, but it was with giant metal cannon balls that shock you. Though his was nothing like it as the balls where soft and squishy. The girl glanced at her brother and stood silently, waiting for him to speak.