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Miwa snagged a ball and played with it by rolling it in her hands. She didn’t say a word as she scooted a bit more away from her brother, eyeing the others. The girl let her wings relax from their tensed position, the feathers making a small, whistle like sound as they shifted.
Miwa flinched and played with her fingers nervously,”If you say so..” She said softly, though she doubted it, she’s been some pretty painful shit. The girl scooted away from her brother slightly, her gaze focused on the floor.
Miwa gave her brother a weird look,”I’m sure I’ve dealt with worse brother.” She said quietly, tying her jacket around her waist, having to spread her wings a bit and tuck the cloth under them. The girl folded her wings once more, tucking them close to her back, almost painful close. Her gaze on her feet as she shifted her weight slightly.
Miwa shhok her head,”O-Oh, no, I’m not an angel.” She said softly, shrinking away,”I’m not even close to one.” She said even more quietly, her wings pulling closer to her back and hid slightly behind her brother.
Miwa glanced at her brother warily, her wings twitching as she pulled them closer to her back, the black feathers flashing slightly at the moment. The girl hugged her jacket closer to her chest and scooted closer to her brother slightly, scanning the room as she did so.
Miwa gave him a nervous look and shifted her weigh. Then slowly slid off her jacket to review her rather large and black wings. She folded it neatly in her arms, looking at the ground.
Miwa trailed after her brother, walking silently once more. Once they arrived she gave Takra a bit if distance, well she gave everyone a bit of distance. The girl tugged at her jacket and shifted her weight as she looked around.
Miwa shifted her weight nervously looking at Mr.Tidal ten her brother. “Maybe..We should go play Brother. It doesn’t seem like good weather to go outside..” She said quietly.
Miwa heard Jeerel, though she did want to play the game, they didn’t have that game back home…Or any games that she knew of really..Then again, she was forced inside almost 24/7 so she kinda lacked the knowledge. Though she wouldn’t try it out with out her brother, and just trailed after him silently.
Miwa looked at Mr.Godal, her eyes unreadable and walked after her brother silently, tugging at her jacket. The girl had to hurry slightly to catch up with him, as he did have a rather fast paste and trailed behind him as he did walk. Though she gave him a bit of distance as she felt and saw the energies.
Miwa squeaked as she got pushed and yelped when she almost got trampled. She looked after Godal with wide eyes and crept back to her brother,”He knows because he picked me up.” Her voice was quiet, she did see the flaws in Mr.Godal’s plans, I mean seriously, this girl was only a kid and she spotted it, much less she was a very smart child, but still. The girl nervously tugged at her jacket,”And Mr.Godal is wrong, I don’t show them because I don’t want too.” She mumbled to Takra, shifting her weight.
Miwa looked at the other two nervously, before lowering her eyes. She really wasn’t much of a help, more of a hindrance at the moment. “Sorry that they couldn’t convince Mr.Godal..” She said quietly to Baylet, looking up at her with red eyes. The girl lowered them to her feet, shifting her weight again.
Miwa decided to follow her brother, listening quietly to his words. She looked at Godal with wide eyes, fear settling in her chest, if he kicked her out for something as simple as that. Who knows what anyone else can get kicked out for!
Miwa jumped and she gave her brother’s back a wide eyed look, the girl looked around but couldn’t see where the explosion came from. She frowned slightly and tugged at her jacket, shuffling her feet.
Miwa saw her brother stretch so she did basic stretches of her arms and legs. She didn’t really have much experience in combat, as she was always forced inside by her father. Though she did train herself in private so she didn’t become unfit. Though the good thing is, speed was her forte and hopefully she wouldn’t get out too early.
Miwa nodded and started to walk to the gym, her steps lightly and almost silent. Soon enough they where there and the girl walked over to a corner of the gym. She stood there, hoping her brother followed her and gave him a very small smile.