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Miwa blinked,”Counting by the name..You just doge balls? It sounds like good training to me.” She said and looked over at her Brother, while locking the door. “Shall we go?”
Miwa nodded and slipped on her jacket, folding her wings close to her back, if they grew any bigger, she’ll have a bit of trouble hiding them. The girl hopped off the bed, setting the book to the side and made sure she had the key to the room in her pocket. She nodded to her self and walked to the door, opening it and poked her head out before opening it fully and walked out the room. Then she stood, waiting for her brother to come out so she can lock the room again.
Miwa closed her wing and the book,”Um..Do you wish to walk around the.school?” She asked quietly,”It might be helpful if we know our way around. We also can go to Mr.Godal’s office to ask about the bed.”
Miwa continued to study her wing them the diagram, nodded to her self slightly. The girl closed her wing and sat on her bed, pulling the book into her lap. She continued to read, glancing up at Takra once in a while.
Miwa nodded, sighing slightly, picking it up from her bed and held the cloth in her arms. She didn’t really understand why people shouldn’t see her wings, but either way, she wasn’t very comfortable showing them, so either way worked. The girl flipped open the book on her bed, to a diagram of a wing, and spread one of her own, to study it.
Miwa nodded silently, shifting her weight slightly, sighing quietly,”I trust you.” Her voice was quiet, though strong. The girl looked at her wings and frowns slightly, before looking down at her feet again, her wings twitching.
Miwa nodded,”I understand.” She said quietly, her wings glinting as she turned around to look at Takra,inspecting him silently before looking down at the floor.
Miwa sighed slightly and slipped her jacket off, freeing her wings, and folded it neatly, setting it on the bed beside the book. The girl walked over to the window and stoop in front of it, looking out,”It is a rather nice room, isn’t it?” She asked quietly.
Miwa glanced at her brother, confused at his anger slightly, she knew WRAITH scared her, but it was nothing big…The girl closed the door, walking over to her bed,setting the book down, tugging on her jacket, unsure whether to take it off or not.
Miwa flinched slightly and started to walk, her bare feet making quiet sounds on the floor, her dress swishing at her ankles. The girl lead him up stairs and pulled out a key from her jacket, unlocking the door and opened it, walking in to the room, holding the door open for Takra.
Miwa nodded, her eyes down and slid out of her chair,”We can ask him to put another bed and chest in,I assume.” She said quietly and looked up at him,”It’s the next floor up, as I said before, right on top of the library.” She held the book in her hands, promising to return it once she finished reading it.
Miwa read silently, then looked up at her brother,”Do you wish to go to my room? I’m sure we can ask Mr.Godal for a room of your own soon enough, though I’m not very sure if he’s still in his office…” She said quietly, closing the book gently.
Miwa poked around in the remains of the table for her essay and notebook, before following her brother, she sat across from him, and started to read, having calmed down.
Miwa gave Takra a frightened look, slowly calming down, setting the book in her lap as she uncurled herself. She looked down at the ruined table, sniffling slightly, though she wasn’t crying, that would only make things worse. The girl nodded to her brother’s words slightly, tugging at her jacket again.
Miwa jumped when the table got smashed, clutching the book to her chest, sadly her essay was lost in the destruction of the table. The girl gave WRAITH a wide eyed look, shrinking back into her chair, as if trying to get father away from him.
She didn’t respond to Jerrel, giving him a wide, slightly watery, fearful look, shaking in her chair. The girl kept in her chair, looking at the table, he could of easily punched her and not the table, which promptly, would hurt a lot. She breathed slightly raggedly, struggling to control her memories and the urge to flee the library, pulling her jacket close to herself.
As she started to calm down from her almost panic attack, the girl relaxed her grip on the book, still looking down at the table. Her shaking didn’t cease though, as she sat, huddling on the chair.