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Miwa looked up briefly when she heard him talk about her, then back down at her book, tensing slightly. She flipped the page and continued to read her book.
Miwa nodded silently, and watched him go, before turning back to the book, looking at a picture of a bird’s wing structure. She hoped he’ll be okay, as some of the people here seemed rather violent.
Miwa looked around the library, why where they fighting, seriously this is a library. She shook her head and flipped a few pages in the note book, closing it and standing. The girl walked over to the shelves and scanned then, taking off a book about bird anatomy and walked back to the table flipping it open.
Miwa jumped when Jerrel cleared his throat and looked up,glancing at him before tugging her jacket closer, still feeling uncomfortably warm. Then she looked down at her paper once more, snagging the notebook beside the paper she flipped it open to study the blank pages.
Miwa paused in her writting, as she finished her paper, and reread it to make sure it was properly worded. She nodded as it was, and sat, editing it, and thinking it over in her head. It was page and little more, having to write on the back to fit the last of her words. The girl looked up at her brother, tilting her head slightly before lowering her eyes back to her paper, unsure on what to do next.
Miwa glanced at her brother, tilting her head slightly, then sighed quietly, going back to her paper once more. The girl tapped her pencil lightly on her hand,thinking for a few minuets, then resumed writing.
Miwa looked up as her brother left her and her eyes flickering to the shelves. Then she turned back to her paper, which was almost completed, by that just a third left. The albino wrote quickly, wanting to be done.
Miwa relaxed soon enough, though she kept glancing up warily to scan the room, then back at her paper The girl held still, her jacket growing warmer, making her shift uncomfortablely. She tugged at it trying to open it up, still unwanting to take it off.
Miwa flinched at the growling and tried to focus back on her paper. The girl still sat stiffly as she wrote, shaking slightly. Though she was slowly calming down by inhaling through her nose, exhaling through her mouth.
Miwa jumped at the yelling, her eyes wide. She looked around the library but the sorce was hidden by book shelves. The albino could hear over voices but she couldn’t make out the words very clearly. She resumed writing, her posture stil, pencil gripped tight.
Miwa looked up for a moment, hearing Jerrel walking in. She glanced at him then her brother before shrugging and going back to the paper. The girl swung her feet slightly, making her dress flutter, the green tie on her jacket swaying to her kicks. She continued to write neatly, her jacket making her a bit to warm for her liking, but refused to take it off.
Miwa sat silently as she worked, tracing her words carefully, as at home it was a different language then English. She looked up and scanned the shelves of books for a few moments, then turned back to her paper. Which was only about half way filled with neat letterings, the girl kicked her feet slightly in the large chair, sitting up ridged and straight to not damage her wings.
Miwa nodded silently, her eyes down cast and turned back to her paper, writing once more. “If you say so..” She fell silent as the girl resumed writing, her penmanship rather neat for a girl her age.
Miwa glanced at her brother,”Your not going to write a paper?” She questioned quietly, twirling the pencil in her hand. “I don’t think you would want to get on Mr.Godal’s bad side..” She fell silent for a few moments, her wings twitching underneath her jacket. “Shouldn’t you save yourself the trouble?”
Miwa silently walked around the library until she found notebooks, paper and a few pencils. She snagged a notebook, paper and a pencial retreating to a large table. The girl had a bit of struggle to get in the chair as they where rather large, though made it and sat comfortably. She inspected the writing utensil for a moment before starting to write. Miwa knew what she can get through with alchemy but had no idea how to really rate her other power. Because at times she can control it and at other tines it seemed to have a mind of it’s own.