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Casi sighed,”I figured that, at least you guys made up.” The girl turned around,”Nothing to big as I can see.” She looked up at him, she gave him a small smile before turning back around. “Watching the rain is always a nice thing to do when your pissed.” She said simply and closed her eyes behind her shades. “But I’m not pissed any more, just to say.”
Casi shrugged and resumed her position of laying down on her bed, she resumed watching the rain. The girl gently scooted the book to her night table with a foot and patted the empty side of the bed. She invited Cunneris to join her and she relaxed against the cool sheets. The rain was letting up slightly, but it still pattered down, giving the room a feeling of peace.
Casi didn’t turn around,”Ya, I’m watching the rain.” She sat up and turned around,”Is there something wrong..? You look nervous..” The girl voiced quietly and watched her matesprite curiously.
“Come in.” Casi called and didn’t move from her spot from watching the rain. Her book was abandoned on a fluffy pillow near her. The girl didn’t bother to turn around to see who was coming, she knew it was Cunneris, as his knock was rather heavy and fast.
Casi continued to watch the rain, closing her book and sat it in her lap. The girl watched her usually empty street flood slightly due to the rain, but it was nothing major. She was no longer was angery, just mostly annoyed, males where such a push over at times! The raven head, crawled up onto her bed, bringing her book up with her. She curled up on her side, facing the window, back to the door and watched the rain from there.
Casi slowly let her anger fade through her book, it had a intense plot, where the main character fought for her life, while her best friend fought for his. But had to kill her if he wanted to live, so very intense. The girl looked up from her book and watched the rain pore down, enjoying the small pitter-patters and the accentual thunder with coed lightning.
Casi heard the knocking,”Who ever it is, I’m sorry to say that I wish to be alone at the moment.” Her voice carried through the door, it had a hint of anger. The girl turned back to her book, hoping who ever it was leaves, she wasn’t trying to be rude. But she was afraid that she’ll lash out at who ever it was.
Casi turned on the heel huffing,she poined a finger at Cunneris then at Dirk,”Control.Your.Selves.” Her voice was royally pissed off and she stormed out the living room. There was a door slamming somewhere in the house. Casi is going to let them deal with it them selves, she was pissed off at all the fights she had to break. The girl grabbed a book from her shelf and crawled onto her bed and over it, leaning on it, in front of the window. She watched the rain pore down for a while before flipping open her book, starting to read. The girl was mostly hidden by her bed, the top of her head visible from her spot.
Casi took one look at the seen and gave an annoyed look. She threw her self at Dirk and Cunneris, pushing them in different detections.”Fuck! EVERYONE CALM THE FUCK DOWN!” The girl yelled, huffing angerly.
Casi sat back down, sitting a little away from Cunneris. Then she stood up, walking out the living room. She went to the laundry room and retrieved her hoodie. The girl slipped it on and and back to the living room.
Casi thruster her arms out,”Your going to fuck his ass?! What the hell? I think I heard that wrong..” she stood,”Everyone chill, Dirk don’t piss off Cunneris and Cunneris don’t piss off Dirk.”
Casi blinked,”I thought that he said that your cooking was good..” She blanched,”Cunneris, your going to translate for me now.” The girl shifted,”No fighting please. And what did he just say?” She looked up at Cunneris.
Casi shrugged,”Maybe.” She turned her head to Dirk as he tapped out his message, the girl wasn’t very good with Morse code. It was skimmed over in her studies, but not much,”..I think I agree with Dirk. If I heard that right.” The girl shrugged and leaned into his hand,”But we’re all asses once in a while. If I may say,” She said simply and sighed.
Casi thought for a moment and looked down,”I don’t know really, I guess I don’t want anyone to feel loneliness…I felt it before..For a ver long time so…”She trailed off, voice soft. “I try to look past faults and see the good, no one if perfect. And I have no right to judge them.” The girl sighed.
Casi lightly papped his arm,”Be nice! I think though, more of a prick then a ass.” Her voice held amusement and she looked up at him giving Cunneris a warm smile.The girl snuggled into his side, sighing contently.