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She snagged the hoodie and slipped it on and nodded. She seemed rather happy in the big hoodie and flipped her hood up. “Silver hair isn’t exactly common either I suppose.”
Miwa snagged her brother’s hand, comfortable with touching him and tugged him a bit,”Let’s boys!” -
He squealed when Q came back to life,”Yay~! Q, you’re back~!” He practically sang and turned to the other teacher,”Don’t be afraid~! Q’s just a big softie when you know him!” Haru giggled and clapped his hands. “But’s lets play!”
Haru tilted his head and thought,”I suppose we can play board games,yeah!” He seemed rather excited by the idea. -
He was growing bored and poked at Q,”You awake there?”Miwa:
Miwa happily hummed along tp the musoc before stopping to talk to Takra. “Don’t we have to talk to Mr.Godal first, right? We can go do that right now if you want to?” -
She looked dissapointed,”I suppose when I’m older.”
Miwa brightened when she had an idea and bounced up, grabbed the music box and sat down in front of Takra again. She cranked up the box and let the music play with a grin. -
Miwa frowned and slid off the bed and approched her brother before sitting down infront of him. “Can I talk to Kurama?” She looked curious, “Because if Kurama was put in you, you had to be stronger then him to keep Kurama in your self. Though I think a nice chat is do, I’ve never talked to him before and now I’m rather curious. “ -
Miwa frowned softly and watched Takra,”I suppose your correct. ..It really must be hard, forcing down a demon. But you can do it,you’re extreamly strong!” -
She backed up on the bed, not enjoying the heat tbat came from her brother. The girl silently watched as anger ran it’s course through her brother. Then Miwa spoke up when Takra was calming down.
“Our race gives us a history and of bad blood on our past. But that doesn’t mean we’re like them…But it’s to late to change what has happened, you can kill me yes. Our family killed and destroyed, yes. But that is behind us, people don’t understand because they either one. Don’t care for it much or two, you don’t give a chanse to explain. So they could at least understand somthing-no matter how small that understanding is.”
She paused to think before speaking,”It’s not fair, yeah ot really isn’t. But I think that you don’t have to be emotionless to keep people safe around you. Supress anger, most likely but maybe you can meditate? I read that meditation is good for control over emotions. From experience, I know it helps.” -
“Ment to be a bad person?That could be possible but I doubt that’s true.” She kicked her feet a bit,”And fighting who you truley are..I understand that-to an extent I suppose..But what makes you think you supress your true self?” -
Miwa frowned, “No, I don’t think your a bad person. Bad people do terrible things, you don’t do bad things. You just have some problems with anger, that’s all.” The girl closed her book and set it to the side, leaning forward on the bed. “Why do you ask? Do you think yourself as a bad person?” -
Miwa went back to her book and read about witches having cats and such. She looked up at her brother as he growled,”Can we get a cat?” -
She jumped a bit when Mar’s appeared and blinked, watching her brother. She leaned her wing away from his hand,”U-Um, don’t touch those..Not yet at least, it feels..” She shuttered,”Odd.” The girl glanced at her brother with a sheepish look before looking back at Mars as he disappeared.
Miwa happily accepted the hug and watched her brother with an amused look as he talked to his demon, finding with out hearing th conversation it looks pretty funny.
“I’m glad that I’m fine.”
The girl leaned back and amused herself with a book about witches and wizards that was on her bed. -
Miwa rubbed her arms, her voice soft,”A wepond you may of been but you where still my brother. So I suppose a companion instead of adult.”
She shivered,”The black hole was extreamly cold. I’ve never felt that cold before.” The girl reached for her jacket and slipped it on. “Though I’m all right, just a tad shaken by the ordeal.” -
She squeaked at the sudden teleportation and looked around befote bouncing to sit on her bed. “I suppose so, the best I could do was that tree house. Though maybe one day a castle?”
She hummed I thought,”And I guess so about the adults…Back home you where almost one, so that counts I guess?”