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Casi shivered slightly of cold, before leaning closer to Cunneris to steal his body warmth.”He didn’t feel to welcomed in KY house. So I set his mind straight.” She seemed rather proud of her self,”And I’m alright, just a bit chilly if I may say so myself.” She girl huddled even closer to her matesprite, relaxing in his warmth.
Casi started walking back to the house,”Because why not? If I don’t then who will? I know your not a good person, neither am I.” She said simply and shooed him into the house, the girl picked up one of the towels and tossed it at Scratch.”Dry off, if you want to go to your room, find mine and go about 2 doors right, take the turn, first door on your left.” Casi wiped off the water that got on her and set the umbrella by the door, wrapping the towel she used around it. The girl when back to the living room and curled back up by Cunneris, slightly chilled by the cold water.
Casi huffed,”I wouldn’t put out out side, I was going to put you in the empty guest room that’s the farthest away from Jade’s.” Her voice was slightly amused, she nudged him lightly with her foot,”Come one get up, you’ll get sick if you stay out here.” Her voice was slightly stern,”You might be a prick at times, but your good enough in my standards.” Her voice was soft, but heard over the falling water,”And your welcome to the English house hold for the time being.”
Casi blinked at MecBridge,”You want me to go get him?” The girl asked, slightly confused at his actions. She shifted slightly, standing up,”Okay then.” She shrugged and stood up, the girl fetched some towels with an umbrella and set them by the door before stepping out into the water. “Saratch? I though you said animals didn’t like storms.” The girl voiced and stepped up to him, shading him from the rain with the umbrella.
Casi nodded, and watched Scratch go, the girl sighed. “I guess so then..” The girl stood up and took her plate and Cunneris’ plate, and deposited them in the kitchen. Then she when back to her matespite, curling up at his side, rain still rocketed down and it didn’t look like it’ll let up any time soon. Silver pranced into the room, and trotted to Dirk. The dragon jumped up onto the couch with him and curling up beside him.
Casi gave him a small smile,”So, how do you like England’s weather?’ She looked out the window,”It’s rather mild, thank gosh.” Thunder rumbled again and the lightning flashing again. The girl leaned her head on his shoulder,”I know that you have to go back to your family soon.” Her voice was quiet,”If you know, can I ask when you will..?”
Casi managed to finish her small portion of food, and let him wrap his arm around her. The girl looked up at Cunneris,”So? Now what exactly?” The girl voiced quietly, and set her plate to the side for now. She slipped an arm around him too, half hugging him with the appendage.
CAsi leaned slightly on her matesprite and continued to nibble on her food. The girl gave Dirk a worried glance, then turned to Scratch. She watched him through her shades for a few moments then let her gaze stray to the wall. The raven head jumped slightly at a burst of rather loud thunder, not that she was scared of it, it came at a moment that she wasn’t prepared to handle the loud boom.
Casi snagged a plate and settled on a near by couch, she nibbled at her food. Thunder boomed over head and the wind picked up, making it howl lowly. The girl settled comfortably on the couch, leaning back as she nibbled. It seems like the girl never really ate, only nibbled a bit before saying she was full, a habit she started when she was young. And something she never really broke out of, she never really felt hungry any times really.
Casi shrugged, just as it started to pore,”And there it goes.” Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed, but it was pretty mild storm in her area. She clapped her hands,”I’ll go get everyone else, so we all can eat.” The girl left the kitchen and when down the hallway, going door to door telling everyone.
Casi sighed, she though for a moment,”Fix all the holes, then yes, you can. But I choose where you do, and you can not be near Jade. Ever.” Her voice was stern as she brushed dirt off her self. The girl walked over to Scratch and gave him a stern glance through his shades.
Casi looked after Jane and sighed,”I think she had enough of her fun..” Silver rumbled and bounded after the dog lady, pouncing on her. The girl turned away from that and stepped forward, gathering broken stuff on the floor and dumped it in a pile by the door. She sighed,”This might take some work to fix this..” Thunder rumbled over head, she looked up at the ceiling,”Shit.”
Casi nodded and waved back,’Back to perfect condition..And did Jade and Scratch trash my house this bad?” The girl crossed her arms and looked over the mess that was her kitchen. Silver pranced out of no where, nudging Casi’s side. The dragon was the cause of some damage, as he got excited with all the commotion. “I might get a cat just to smite her.” Casi grumbled to her self.
Casi stood up,”Thanks.” She when past Jane and when into the kitchen.
Casi nodded,”Ya, please. I think Dirk is attacking my matesprite.” Her voice was slightly annoyed. The girl was annoyed at Jane, and to add that she was still pissed mostly at Scratch. So the girl wasn’t really in a fantastic mood at the moment.