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Casi stood up,”In Mexican culture, people would feast on cow blood as a delicacy.” Her voice was simple,”True though,”Cunneris only will be called Cunneris. No matter what you say Scratch. Well atleast I will call him by his name.” The girl left Dirk and went over to her matesprite.
Casi nodded,”I understand your predicament at the moment. Best wishes on to hear your voice soon.” She gave him a grin and popped a pair of shades into her hand from her modus and gently pressed it to Dirk’s hand. “Encase they break again.” Was her answer of the reason of her action.
Casi flat out ignored Scratch, and crouched down beside Dirk,”Are you okay?” Her voice was quiet, she wasn’t sure if he was. By all means, it was a stupid question, but she didn’t think would appreciate if CAsi walts up and said,”Hey Dirk? Can you talk? Or not, did Scratch mute you for all of time?”
Casi stopped scrubbing her face,”We should go back outside too..” She left Cunneris’ side hoping that he followed her. The girl emerged from the house and event to Dirk’s side, eyeing Scratch
Casi narrowed her eyes,”Is he gone from the house?” The girl asked and walked up to Cunneris, her voice was wary. She hoped he was, because Scratch was a fucking jerk. The girl gently patted her matesprite’s arm,”And are you alright?” Her voice was quiet, she still had blood on her face. It was dried though, so it was flanking off, Casi was grossed out by it and scrubbed her face with an arm.
Casi looked up at him and shrugged,”If you think you need to do it, then do it. I trust you.” Her voice was firm, and she gave him a small smile. “But if you do it, I would lock the door so no one comes in and get’s the wrong idea.” The girl shrugged,”But I’m still confused. How do you dissect a person and keep them alive..?”
Jake clapped his hands,”Jolly good mate!” Her swung a arm around his shoulders,”Now lets go on a adventure with Mr.Leijon! To a quest called shipping!” He cheered then paused, he turned to the said cat like troll.”Sorry to ask my dear lady..But what is shipping exactly? Is it that we ride on the gallons of a ship? Sailing savage seas and fighting of sea monsters with our bare hands?!”
Idk I just got back from being out of town XD)
Fallin got up from her table, she wandered over to the bar and got a mug of ice. The girl chewed on the frozen water as she wandered over to her table again. She took out the mission she chose and read it over, thinking of possible out comes. The mission was to clear ice from a major river near the mountains, something relatively easy for her and payed well. She snapped a large chunk of ice and twirled another in her hand, a small magic circle appearing so it doesn’t melt in her hand. Fallin swiped hair from her eyes and stood again, chomping on the ice in her hand. She when over to the bar and dropped off her mug, getting ready to leave.
((Canda is in his hotel room with Italy,Germany and Antartica. He’s sleeping while the three watch a movie. They made maple candies x3)
Casi blinked,”..How does one not kill one when you cut one’s body open?” Was her main question, the girl gave Scratch a curious look and turned to Cunneris. “Like really?” She scooted closer to him and took his hand. She really was curious, but she wasn’t afraid. The girl looked at Scratch,”If he does what you ask, will you leave this house and it’s occupants alone?” Casi trusted Cunneris with her life, and even more, she trusted him enough to dissect her. Or what ever the hell Scratch wanted him to do. She squeezed his hand gently and looked up at him,”I trust you. I’ll leave it at that Love.” The girl said softly and looked back at Scratch.
Casi eyed Scratch and settled near Cunneris, she crossed her arms. Somewhere in the house, the dryer turned off and beeped, signalling that Casi’s hoodie was done. The girl heard the faint noise, but it was very muffled. She ignored it and turned her gaze to Scratch, crossing her arms tighter.
Casi stood, and walked after them, she watched Scratch warily. The girl eyed him and passed him up, catching up to Cunneris. She padded beside him, and took his hand gently. She squeezed is softly then dropped her hand, resuming her normal stride. Which was much more shorter and fast paced then her matesprite, seeing she had shorter legs.
The girl narrowed her eyes,”I’ll make sure for a painful surprise for you then.” Her voice was light tipped, “I wouldn’t doubt my words Scratch.” The girl crouched in front of Dirk, blocking some of his view from Scratch. Almost seeming to protect him, her shades flashed in the light as she took them off. The girl gently settled them on Dirk’s face, over his eyes. She turned back to Scratch, her fire-like eyes illuminating her face as another pair of shades popped into her hands. Casi slid them on, not making a sound as blinding pain struck her from the strong light.
Casi squeezed his arm to an almost painful away,”If you hurt him. I will find a way to end your existence.” Her voice was dead serious and she let of his arm drop out of her grip. The girl backed off and gestured Jane then pointed at Dirk,”Heal him.” Casi’s voice was flat and she didn’t take her eyes off Scratch.