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The girl flinched, though she knew Jane could heal him, she had too. The girl reached out and grabbed Scratch’s arm. It wasn’t a gesture of force, just the simple act of grabbing his arm. “You will leave my matesprite alone, and out of this Scratch.” Her voice was steely,”You will.Motherfucking. Let him go.” She wanted to run to Dirk, but Cunneris’ safety was more hasty at the moment. Even so, she could do nothing to help her father.
Casi narrowed her eyes,”Scratch said he can’t touch you. But.” She turned back to Scratch,”How about you take me up on my offer I said earlier.” The girl came closer, right into Scratch’s reach,”Let my father go and take me.” Her voice was low,”Let my father go Scratch.”
Casi didn’t move from her spot,”Scratch. Let go of my father.” She paused for a moment,”Please.” Her voice was blank and quiet. The girl’s face was blank, well the face shown was blank, her eyes where slightly shiny with tears. Though no liquid ran down her face, she would not give her emotions away. “My father is not a toy. He is not something you can play with. Let him go.” Her voice hardened slightly at her last word, but that was the only emotion in her voice.
Casi stood, her gaze cooling down and stared at Scratch blankly. Last she time she didn’t have a response to his actions he got bored, so maybe it’ll happen again. The girl was about only two feet away from Scratch, on his right side. She stared at him, not blinking, just staring.
Casi had enough of this,”Scratch. Let my father go.” Her voice was dangerously soft and she stalked up to Scratch. She didn’t touch either of them,”Let go of my father. Right now.” Her voice was pure danger, and Scratch would probably not like to set the girl off. She looked down at the three alchemical beings, “Do.Not.Move. It’ll kill him.” She looked back up at Scratch, her gaze similar to fire, blazing through her shades.
Casi blinked,”You have people living in your blood? That’s really weird, but kinda cool.” She thought to her self then resumed glaring at the sitting man,skull thing. She wiped more blood off her face, leaving pale red streaks on her skin. It gave her a bad ass look, and quiet frankly matched her attitude at the moment. She was pissed at the way he used the females and male as assessments for his chair, but voiced no word. “Just as you, and just as me are bound to die.” Her voice was cold,”As I said, get off Dave, he may be fucking dead. But it means no way you are able to disrespect him. When you fucking die, do you want to be sat on? Because if you do, frankly that’s just a shitty way of thinking.”
CAsi wiped the blood off her face,”I take that as a complement.” Her voice turned hard,”Get off of Dave, Scratch. ” The girl snapped, and walked over to Cunneris,”You blood is fucking nasty though. It taste like metal and shit.” She said sullenly and glared at Scratch through her shades.
Casi stood strong, not even flinching as his blood ran down her face, she could feel something from blood, making her feel a bit odd. Though it didn’t hurt, so she didn’t really care at the moment, she was guessing Snowman embodied her universe. The girl stared coolly at Scratch, slightly grossed out, but didn’t show it, not one bit. “I see no point on what your doing. Why the fuck are you trying to put your blood on me?” Casi was honestly confused, was it just something he did or..?
Casi huffed,”There’s no fun in stopping because they’re is no fun in killing! You might say so, but I’m thinking you only feel satisfaction and a want for more.” The girl ran forward and pulled Jade away, standing in front of Scratch. Her gaze was calm behind her shades, and her stance was relaxed, but ready. “I wouldn’t be calling her a mutt. Look at your self, a mix of different things, isn’t that what a mutt is. Jolly not good.”
Casi can over to Cunneris,”Not what I meant! You probably don’t even know what peace mean. Jolly danke’s!” The girl voiced to Scratch and she stood in front of Cunneris’ downed form protectively. She was going to protect him if Scratch came for him, she might not do good. But she can do something. “Scratch, just chill out! Please, we don’t need all this fighting.” Her voice was not begging, but was offering him a chance to tone it down.
Casi sighed,”Well that doesn’t help at all.” She though for a few moments,”How about a truce, you leave us alone. We leave you alone. You leave us alone.” Her voice was firm,”Because your shit it pretty shitty. And in English policy, shit must not be shitty.”
Casi was tired off all the fighting, and frankly pretty mad. The girl walked away from Cunneris, and got in front of Scratch. “Stop fighting with everyone, you came for Cunneris and shit. I’m frankly tired of watching you beat up everyone. So we’ll make a deal, alright? You can beat the shit out of me. But don’t touch any one else. Okay?”
Casi flinched as Dirk screamed, her girl gently took Cuneris’ hand and watched Scratch worriedly. “Why won’t he just leave? He got what he want..I think..” She said quietly to Cunneris and rubbed circles on his hand. “Why is he even still here..” The girl shut up and watched Feferi, Dave can’t die. He and Dirk just made up, and Dirk would be devastated. So Dave can not die, plus he’s to awesome.
Casi turned around and went to Cunneris, she gently places a hand on his back,”Until Jane or someone finishes healing Dirk or Dave.” Her voice was quiet and she crouched in front of her matesprite. “I’m sorry that I didn’t react fast enough for this not to happen.”
Casi turned to the house,”JANE, AND MOTHERFUCKERS, GET OUT HERE!” The girl flash stepped behind Scratch, if she was fast enough to get behind him she would grabbed the spine attached to him, thrusting it to the side throwing him away. The girl didn’t dare to get her gun out, as he might be able to redirect the bullets.