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Casi growled shortly,”Cunneris is no one’s pet. Unlike you, who might not be bound to his words. But you are bound to him either way.” She was glaring harshly at Scratch,”Unlike you, Cunneris has a family a moirail, and a matesprite. So I would rethink your words Scratch.” The girl squeezed Cunneris’ shoulder and wanted to run over to Dave, but it would be pointless. AS Scratch is standing right by him and would most likely beat the shit out of Casi.
Casi narrowed her eyes behind her shades,”Cunneris, don’t waste your time,please.” The girl walked up to Cunneris, she made sure he could see her coming. The girl gently places a hand on his shoulder, (with a bit of diculty) and spoke softly. “Listen to Dave. Please.”
Casi looked right into Cunneris’ eyes and stepped closer,”You are not broken, he only spews lies from his mouth. You are whole and you are loved, you are my matesprite. Don’t give in Cunneris. Do not give in, please.” A small tear ran down from behind her shades, she wanted to run over to Dave and Dirk, but didn’t dare. “Your only teachers are your family, and friends, you learn from those who want to give you knowledge for your own good. Not to give it to you for their own good.” Her voice was soft, and she stepped closer,”Please. Cunneris. Please listen to me.” Her voice was strong and warm, full of kindness and hope. Unlike Scratch’s, which to her was filled with cruelty and mirth. The girl was about two yards away from her matesprite,”You never gave in to it fully, you promised that you would only do it to defend your self, friends, Eridan and me. You always snapped out of it, don’t make this any different because Scratch is here.”
Casi ignored Scratch and walked closer to Cunneris, holding her hands out in a peaceful gesture,”Fight it Love, I know your in there, and I know this isn’t you.” Her voice was strong,”Come back to me, you still have a promise to uphold. Don’t break it now. Please.” What Scratch said was wrong, and she knew it, in fifteen years, yes he might be Carolus. But Casi will snap him out of it, she has to. The girl promised to her self she would, and she would do it. Or die trying.
Casi huffed and fliped Scratch off when Dirk wasn’t looking, and turned to the Cunneris. “Cunneris.” Her voice rang out, and she scooted over to he faced him, a good distance away. “Love, calm down. Please. You killed him, don’t let Scratch tell the truth. Please.”
Casi stood bedside Dirk, the closest one near Scratch, she did another rude gesture at him and turned back to the fight. She watched once more, tensing as she watched, Cunneris didn’t look to well. But then again, Carolus wasn’t fairing very well either.
Casi dove out the way back over to Dave and Dirk so she wouldn’t be used again. She didn’t really care what Scratch was doing and she turned to the fight,”You can do it Love!” Her voice rang out in her back yard and she stood up. She though, did do a rude gesture at Scratch and crossed her arms, watching the fight again.
Casi stepped forward then paused, she couldn’t help him, the girl stood stiffly. She watched intently, shaking slightly, her matesprite was fighting for his life. Right in front of her, and she could do nothing. Well she could do something, but she might just end up making it worse, or killing her self.
Casi backed off the the door,”Follow me as I say it again.” She started to move,”They’re is now two Cunnerises. One that scratch brought and then my matesprite. They’re about to battle and one of them is doomed. Cunneris said to get you!” She lead him to the back yard and threw her hands at them,”See!”
Casi ran over to Dave’s room and almost kicked down the door,”Dave! They’re is a paradox Cunneris I think that’s what it’s called. But come on in the back yard, they’re two Cunnerises now and they’re about to fight I think?!” Her words where rushed,”Can you like help? Please?!”
Casi quickly left to go find Dirk, and found him in the kitchen having an intense make out session with MecBridge/Jake. She double took for a secant,”Dirk! Uh, There’s another Cunneris with Scratch and apparently one of them is doomed now and my Cunneris sent me to go get you.” Her words where rushed and jumped slightly.
Casi casted him a worry look and followed Cunneris, she stood next to him..”Uh..Question..What does Paradox have to do with any of this..?” She said that quietly, enough for Cunneris to hear him, but not Scratch. The girl shifted her weight foot to foot, watching the two in front of her warily.
Casi felt him let go and patted around her bed for her shades, her eyes shut. “I’m guessing, that really isn’t a good thing.” The girl found them and slipped them back on, blinking open her eyes in the blessed shade of her shades. She slipped off and ducked under a wing, standing beside him,”Should we go warn the others?” Her voice was quiet.
Casi scooped around for her shades, but they where to far for her to reach with with out directly move her self. So the girl gave up,”Like your sister? Or Calliope?” Her voice was soft. “Or something different?”
Casi looked up at him,”Hm?” Her voice was very relaxed and at ease. “What is it Love?” She blinked a few times to get her gaze back in focus. Then she curled closer to him, the light hurting her eyes and used him as a shade.